Poppy likes Branch (Pt 2/?)

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So Imma start with a thing I forgot in the last chap of this theme.

Ty ASarahLikeOthers for reminding me idk how da floop I could forget to talk about it cghhgghk

Broppy became sushi in the smooth jazz scene
This can be a ref to the fact that eating someone can be a sëxúãl pHrAsE iN rOmAnCe-
Plus the flooping stick at the end-

That scene was hilarious though👌 10/10

Soooo now onto this chapter's subject

Poppy's body language

If we look closely we can see signs that she likes Branch through her body language and desire to be close to Branchie :3

As u all might know, when u love someone u wanna be close to them. This is what Poppy did several times throughout movies and series.

In the first movie for example
The first troll she thought of to help was Branch, not only cuz he knows a lot about bergens but also cuz she feels safe with him and likes him. Like, Poppy is a super sweet troll but come on- trying to get one troll to rejoin society for several years making special invetations, trying to get her friends to like him, include him as much as she can get him to.
She likes him
And she knew how to push his buttons even back then, she must have spent some time with him or just wathing him to know what to do.

Also she wanted to hug him every time she could be able to get away with it, she reached for HIM as they flew through the air in a rollerbade-shoe (all her besties were there but she shose him), while sneaking in the castle as she shushed him with her finger on his lips she could have just said shush, when no one did he came up to her to give her closure n' love and that made her true colors come back, they danced together both at true colors  and can't stop the feeling, she threw herself onto him to protect him from getting eaten when she could have easily have used her hair, at the mushroom she took his hands as he approached her and hugged him. And during the end credits song she danced with him, they were the only ones dancing together except Biggie n' mr Dinkles and Satin n' Chenille.

Now Trolls World Tour

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