𝟎𝟒 | Fearsome Womb

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fun fact but it's not that fun: i am a junpei kinnie

fun fact but it's not that fun: i am a junpei kinnie

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Our window verified the curse womb three hours ago.

Once 90 percent were successfully evacuated, they made the call to seal off the center. Citizens within a 500-meter radius have been evacuated, as well." Ijichi told all of you.

You shivered, it looked like it was going to rain and you had a bad feeling about the cursed building.

"Ijichi-san, question." Yuuji asked. "What's a 'window' here?"

"A window is a member of Jujutsu Tech who can see curses. They aren't sorcerers, though." Ijichi answered.

"Oh, okay."

"Let's continue. Detainee Block 2. At present, five detainees remain there with the cursed womb. If the cursed womb is the type that metamorphoses, we predict it will become a special-grade cursed spirit."

'Special-grade... if their prediction is true then...' you looked at the building, your face calm but multiple thoughts running through your head and your fear starting to grow. 'They might already be dead..'

"Hey, so... I still don't really understand what 'special-grade' means." Yuuji mumbled.

All three of you sighed.

"Then allow me to explain so even idiots can understand...

First, there's grade 4. A wooden bat is enough for them.

Grade 3. If you have a handgun, you can rest easy.

Grade 2. It'll be a close call with a shotgun.

Grade 1. Even a tank may be insufficient.

Then there's special-grade. Let's say you might be on even footing if you carpet bomb it with cluster bombs."

"That's real bad!" Yuuji exclaimed. You nodded, 'these guys are predicting special-grade. If we run into one we'll be screwed. There's no way either of us can take one on except for Ankoku and Sukuna..'

"So where is Gojo-sensei?" Yuuji asked.

"Away in business." Megumi answered.

"He's not someone that should be hanging around at schools in the first place." You mumbled.

"Unfortunately, we're constantly short-handed in this business. You'll often have to undertake missions beyond your power. The current case, however, is an abnormal one, and most urgent. Do not fight under any circumstances. If you encounter a special-grade, your options are to either run or die. Please listen to your fears. Do not forget that your mission here is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors." Ijichi instructed.

 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄 ⤹ Jujutsu Kaisen حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن