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'I mean at least she's cute.' He thought to himself.


The female had woken up earlier than everyone else and wasn't able to check up on Levi as Kenny was in the same room.

All she could do was be nosy and roam about Kenny's house until he woke up or until she got too impatient.

He had a basic kitchen with barely any food in, she figured he often went to the bar instead of cooking for himself, the furniture looked almost untouched suggesting he was hardly ever home. The (H/C) wanted to ask Kenny when he woke up if they could go shopping for food so that she could actually make something.

(Y/N) found his home basic and boring and she found herself drifting to the room that Kenny and Levi were in getting impatient for the male to wake up and figured it was late enough.

"Morning!" She yelled cheerfully as she pulled open the curtains to reveal a dull outside but it was sunny nonetheless. The male groaned in return and pulled his hat over his face.
"It's too early woman.."

(Y/N) laughed and picked up Levi ignoring Kenny's moaning. "We should go out and get some stuff to make food."
Kenny had finally sat up and groggily walked over to the female. "Why do we need to get stuff, we can just go to the bar."

The (H/C) sighed and wrapped Levi more securely in her arms. "It would be nice to be able to make some food.."

Kenny groaned fixing his hat on head and headed out the room. "Come on then, but let the brat walk you keep babying him too much."

(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes lit up and she quickly followed Kenny out of the house and placed Levi on his feet. The boy wobbled a little and held onto her hand to keep balance but was walking nonetheless.
"You're still holding him." Kenny complained as he went to walk beside the female and the boy.

"Oh shush, give him a break. He's only just started walking again." (Y/N) objected as Levi tripped up on his own feet and she quickly pulled her arm up holding his hand so he wouldn't fall face first.
Kenny chuckled at the boy tripping over. "I'll give him some training to toughen him up."

(Y/N) wasn't sure if that was such a good idea, knowing Kenny, training would probably consist of fighting but if he was to live in the underground, knowing how to fight wasn't bad especially if for whatever reason Kenny or herself weren't there to keep him safe.
"Great! You'll teach him out to fight and protect himself and I'll teach him how to cook and fend for himself."

Kenny glanced over to the girl. "So you're sticking around I guess?"
She nodded in response and looked down at Levi and smiled softly, she decided she'd at least stay until she knew Levi would be in good hands and would be able to live a life he deserves.


They finally reached some market stalls that were selling all sorts, they wandered around until they finally found a stall selling ingredients for cooking.

They approached the stall where an older looking lady was standing behind. She gave them a bright smile glancing at Kenny then at (Y/N) and then finally at Levi who was holding her hand.
"It's lovely seeing couples out together like this even if where we live isn't the best." The old lady smiled sweetly.

This caused for Kenny to burst out laughing and (Y/N) quickly shook her head telling the lady they were not a couple but a light blush dusted her cheeks nonetheless.

"Oh that just might be the funniest thing I've heard all day! Us a couple?" Kenny continued to laugh his head off and (Y/N) became more irritated. He reached his big hand to her head and ruffled it in the moment not realising himself what he'd done but (Y/N)s blush darkened. "She's way too annoying for my liking."

"Me? Annoying? Says you, I mean look at what you're doing right now." The (H/C) haired girl angrily pushed his hand from her head ultimately forgetting she was supposed to be holding Levi's hand and she let go but luckily the boy didn't stumble.

The old woman shook her head and sighed at the two bickering and pulled out a sugar cube and handed it to Levi. "I feel bad for you young one, having to deal with these two in denial. I'm sure they should come to their senses soon enough though.."
The old lady crouched down to Levi's height and ruffled his hair smiling at the boy before returning behind the stall.

She cleared her throat preparing to break up the bickering now that it had gotten annoying. "Ahem, if you're buying something from here, hurry up and do so or take your lovers quarrel elsewhere!" She frowned and the two stopped at the lady's sudden shout.
"I am so sorry!" (Y/N) apologised quickly while she hit Kenny's arm for him to apologise too.
"I'm not apologising for anything, I did nothing wrong." He retorted facing away from the (Y/H) girl.

(Y/N) was about to start up again when the old lady interrupted. "An apology is not needed just buy what you need and be on your way."

"Right.." (Y/N) said embarrassed by how the two had been behaving without even realising, even Levi had been better behaved than the two of them. She took Levi's hand again and quickly remembered what the lady said. "Oh, miss by the way, we are not a couple."

The old lady nodded her head slowly and smiled slyly. "You said." She began to package up the ingredients that the girl had picked out and waved goodbye to them while Levi gave a small wave noticing everyone else was doing so. "But not for long.."

The old lady smiled to herself again and sighed.

"It's not every day you see a love blossom."

Always Forever (KennyAckermanXFemReader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant