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2:45 am and Ranboo is wide awake. No, not because he decided to lay down on his bed, on his phone, scrolling through social media. He is up early because he has to leave to go to his grandparents in the countryside.

He requested something in return for his good grades at the end of the hear but his parents denied it as long as he will spend atleast 2 weeks at his grandparents', away from all the internet and radiation from it.

Ranboo was against this trip but his parents insisted anyway. About 2 or 3 months ago, his parents decided to let him go to the countryside where his grandparents live.

"Do I have to go?" Ranboo whined.

"Yes, take it as a vacation!" His mother replied. "Besides, your summer break is soon so, its like a summer vacation, for free!"

"I dont care if its for free or not." Ranboo whined even more. "I already made plans with my friends. I cant cancel them."

"You cant, but I can." His mother replied, smiling proudly.

Ranboo scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Mom, come on please?"

"Convince me." Ranboo's mother stopped at whatever she was doing and crossed her arms at him.

"Its boring, theres no internet, its very close to nature, and Ill only be with grandma and grandpa." He said, counting each of it on his fingers. "4 reasons! 4 reasonable reasons so pleaaaaase!!"

"No. Still no." His mother shook her head.

"Why?!" Ranboo asked as if he was severely offended.

"Like I said, its a vacation." His mother explained. "The time where you can focus on yourself, discover talents you never knew you had! Theres so many things, Ranboo."

Ranboo sighed then groaned, looking up at the ceiling and replied, "Ugh fine, but as soon as the two weeks is up, pick me right up."

Ranboo's mom rolled her eyes then responded, "Sure. I bet you'll want to spend more time there after 2 weeks."

"I bet not." Ranboo replied, stomping up the stairs.

Now he is here, in his room, laying down on his bed while his long legs dangle off the side. He is waiting for his parents to get ready to leave, he has been awake for the whole night just talking to his friends. They have to leave pretty early since they are pretty far from the countryside. The estimated length of their drive will be about 7 hours.

Ranboo kept checking his phone for anything from his friends to which he was talking to. One of them was named Tommy and the other was Wilbur. They were the friends that he already made plans with.

'Do you really have to go dude?' Tommy texted.

'Sadly, yes. I tried to plead to my mom AND dad but they dont budge.' Ranboo replied.

'That sucks. Theres always next summer.' Wilbur texted.

'Yeah, lets just do the plans next summer.' Tommy added.

'Its fine, you guys can do what we planned. You can invite someone else to take my place too.' Ranboo responded. 'Youre not going to hear from me for 2 weeks too so.'

'2 weeks?! Youll be gone for two weeks?! Not even text us or something?' Tommy texted back.

Ranboo chuckled as he can imagine how Tommy sounded if they were together right now.

'Theres no wifi or service, man. Sorry.' Ranboo texted back.

After that, his mother came to his room telling him theyre about to leave. He smiled back at her then sat back up while looking at his phone.

'Got to go, we're leaving. Dont wanna get roadsick.' Ranboo texted.

'Bye, Ranboo.' Wilbur messaged back.

'Bye, talk to you in two weeks.' said Tommy.

'Yeah.' Wilbur added.

'Talk to you in 2 weeks too. Bye.' Ranboo replied then pocketed his phone.

He grabbed his backpack then locked his room. He stomped down the stairs then out the front door. He entered their car and greeted his father who was at the driver's seat already. He sat at the back seat while his parents are at the front seats.

They waited for his mother to get in the car. She locked their door then entered their car. His father started driving away as they are ready for the long ride.

Ranboo slouched on where he sat and sighed, crossing his arms. He leaned and looked out the window and watched as they passed by the houses. After a while, his father turned on the radio but he didnt enjoy whatever it is on so, he took his phone and plugged his earphones in. He put them in his ears then continued looking out the window.

After a few hours, they ended up in the freeway and Ranboo watched as the lights from the houses and buildings from a far passed by.

"Ranboo?" His mother called, he turned to her and hummed. His mother looked at him and realized the mask he had on. "You dont need the mask, why'd you still bring it?"

"I dont know, maybe cuz theres people there?" Ranboo shrugged.

"Theyre your grandparents, Ranboo." His mother replied. "It will be fine."

"They might have neighbors, or something. I dont know." He shrugged.

"They dont." His mother shook her head. "Theyre basically in a remote place where they are the only ones who live there."

Ranboo nodded. "I see."

Ranboo then took off his mask and while he did, his mother asked, "Would you want something to eat?"

He nodded and said, "Yes, that would be great." sitting up straight.

"Here, some pancakes I packed earlier." His mother said, handing him the container with pancakes in them.

"Thank you." said Ranboo, smiling, as he grabbed the container. His mother smiled back at him then turned to her own food.

Ranboo started eating his food while he watched the other cars, trees, buildings that pass by, and the sun rise.

He sighed as he tried to imagine life without internet or social media. For a typical teenager like Ranboo that grew up surrounded by technology, living in a place that doesnt have much of it sucks.

After he finished, he handed his container to his mother and sighed. He sunk in his seat and stared out the window again. The sun was above the horizon now and the rest of the world is waking up.

Ranboo started yawning and after a bit, he wandered off to sleep.

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