The First Time Woman

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They were sitting there, on the park bench. What is it with delinquents and park benches? It seems like they're always there, drinking, smoking, yelling at passers by.

It was 11:30 pm as she got of the bus, returning home from her first ever night out presenting as a woman.
There were two ways she could go, follow the main street, that led her around the park and would take about 20 minutes, or she could cut through the park, save herself 10 minutes and enjoy the trees and grass.
She always took the park. Never thought anything of it. She wasn't raised to be a girl, she didn't know better... yet.

"Hey gorgeous!" Yelled one of the boys on the bench. Instantly all their heads turned towards her, like a pack of wolves that spotted their prey.
"Come over here!" Another one yelled.
Walk around, there is another path there. If I walk far and ignore them, they'll leave me alone, Or so she thought.
Instead they got up from their den, stalking, surrounding their target.
"Have some fun with us!"
Walk faster
"Yo guys! It's a tranny!"
Shit, they clocked me
"Hey dude! Want us to fuck you in the ass?"
"Why are you wearing heels, you pervert?"

They were all around her now, no where to go, so she stoped.
This moment would rush through her head many time.
Should have kept going.
Should have pushed through.
Should have hit him first.
She froze.

"Say something, Bitch!" He pushed her and she stumbled backwards, to others grabbed her by the arms...


She was on the ground, curled in a fetal position, hands over her head to protect her from their kicks.
*woop woop* *nee naw* - the sound of a police patrol siren.
They stoped and looked around.
As soon as they spotted the officers they started running.
No one chased them.
"Are you okey"?
Do I look okey?! But she said nothing. Just looked up at the woman in uniform standing over her.


They were sitting there, on the park bench. What is it with delinquents and park benches? It seems like they're always there, drinking, smoking, yelling at passers by.

It was 11:30 when she stepped out of her apartment building, not caring that she looks like a man tonight.
There was only one way for her tonight, she knew where she was going and she knew why.
Earlier that day the police informed her that there would be no case for lack of public interest.
She went towards the park.

"Hey gorgeous!" Yelled one of the boys on the bench. Instantly all their heads turned towards tonight's victim, like a pack of wolves that spotted their prey.

This time someone was hunting them, lurking in the shadows, like a tiger, waiting for it's target to be distracted.

As they got up to follow the girl walking the path on the other side of the park, she followed behind them, sword in hand.
It was a decorative sword, no cutting edge, not really useful as a sword, but it was heavy steel, and that was good enough to teach them a lesson.
She swung the sword with all her might at the one closest to her, the one that dangled behind the rest, right at his knee.
The sound was so satisfying. The cracking of the bone was like music to her ears. He won't be getting up soon.
As the rest turned around to see the reason for his scream, she managed to close the gap to the next one...
Run girl!


He was on the ground, curled in a fetal position, hands over his head.
She stood over him, looking at the blood pulling underneath.
*woop woop* *nee naw* - the sound of a police patrol siren.
She didn't care.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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