
764 7 3

Location: Cuba

Mission: Capture nukes, and execute perseus if possible.

Y/n nowak.

The sounds of bullets hitting the ground around him put pure fear into his heart. He couldnt feel his legs and his left eye was filled with blood, rendering it useless. He lifted his head and saw park strapping Bell to her, the skyhook snatching them up. He looked on in disbelief... They didnt abandon him... The wouldnt. He heard tropaz troops heading up the stairs and weakly drew his diamatti (custom design from bell) and aimed it at the door way, not going down without a fight.

20~ minutes earlier

Y/n inspected his pelington, admiring how he etched in the kills he's got, to remind him of his sins. Bell tapped him on his shoulder.

"Are you okay? This is big, you need to be focused." bell said, Y/n letting out a small laugh. He nodded and went back to admiring the view.

Lil bit later

Y/n was under heavy fire from the tropaz troops. They found his location and were firing at it.

"Im pinned down and hit, my left leg is bleeding and im almost out of ammunition!"

He yelled into the radio, a round narrowly missing his head.

"We have a little issue ourselves! We cant assist you yet." he heard the voice of adler through the radio. Son of a bitch, hows he gonna get out of this?

Yeah its 3:19 am, not gonna explain it.

Bell had y/n's arm around his shoulders, carrying him. They needed to get out and the sky hook was the fastest and safest way. Y/n winced in pain. They got to the roof and bell set down y/n, who was holding a diamatti. He fired a burst, hitting two tropaz soldiers, bell smiling and thanking him silently.

After bell had used the gunship and taken care of the enemies, park went to strap to the balloon thing. As she did this, an rpg round hit where Y/n and bell were sitting, sending bell off. Y/n's leg wad immedietly broken and ripped apart, a piece of stone smashed the side of his head, filling his vision with blood.

[Continue from the start in pt2.]

"𝑰𝒎 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚..." Helen park x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now