"You need to be leaving and I need to get work. I don't have time to tell you." Ant rushed and Dan sighed. The two continued to walk through the building and Ant made it to a small square office with two doors on both sides. Unlike the rest of the restaurant the walls were a boring gray that blended into the floor. The hanging lightbulb, that swayed from side to side softly, created a small ray of light that showed all of the dust in the office space. Three monitors sat on the oak desk, each in a nice row, and a cupcake stacked on the left one. A desk fan quickly blew side to side. "Ain't she a beauty?"

"Dude I have allergies" Ant then motioned to visible dirt around the office. Dan rolled his eyes as he smiled softly

"I'll see you at 6!" He did a two finger waved that Ant returned immediately. The smaller adult spun on his heel and walked down the hallway. He took notice of the posters on the wall and the streamers that hung from the ceiling. He made it out to the dining area and looked at three animatronics on the stage. He inhaled sharply when he noticed that the purple rabbit was gone. He figured that Ronaldo was working on him in the back room and that's why he was gone.

Dan walked to the exit and sighed as the cold air hit him in the face, the small smile on his face growing wider. The blonde walked to his car that he got into, and immediately started it. He got out of the parking lot as fast as he could and felt a weird tingle of guilt in his stomach. Why hadn't Ant told him about Billy yet? He began to press down on the gas pedal without realizing it. The only thing Dan remembered from that birthday party was the game that William broke. Dan sighed as he realized trying to remember his birthday party would be of no help. When it came to Dan's memory, it was worse than a goldfish's so Dan stuck to being the one with the class clown and childish personality. Dan ran a stop sign and turned right. If people had a question they always went to Ant, he had an amazingly freakish memory. Dan's grip tightened on the wheel. It creeps Dan out with how much that guy can remember. It drives Dan crazy when Ant pulls stunts like he did earlier... Why couldn't he know about Billy?! Dan's knuckles began to turn white as his turns became sharper. Who even is Billy?! Dan pulled into his drive away and got out of the car. Upon entering his house he tossed his car keys onto the coffee table and he lay down on the couch. A violent buzz noise caught him off guard and he checked his phone to see who was calling him. 'Poisonous Bug' was on his phone as he answered his phone "Hello?" He answered

'DAN! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!' Ant yelled over the phone, sounding panicked. Ant's never like this

"What's wrong?" Dan asked, setting up quickly

'The animatronics are moving around! It's crazy I know! But they really are!' Ant's voice wavered as if he had been crying.

"What are you talking about they shouldn't be" Dan thought out loud

'WELL THEY ARE!' Ant yelled angrily

"Don't shout!" Dan hissed. The sound of a door in the office closing was heard on Dan's end and a short slur of words coming from Ant. "Ant? What's wrong?"

'That Rabbit thing is outside of my door!' Ant snapped as Dan heard him walking around. He suddenly remembered that Bonnie wasn't on stage when he left.

"Alright, I'll be there as quickly as I can" Dan got up but stopped as Ant told him too.

'No! You have work in the morning. We'll just work this out when you come in at 6' Ant ordered him. 'I have to go. I'll see you at six'

"Oh no you're not!" Dan told him. "If I can't be there then I am sure as hell not hanging up this phone and neither are you" Ant laughed but eventually agreed.

Dan yawned as he pulled into the parking lot, got out of his car, and into the building he went to. He immediately went to the office where he saw Ant up against the wall. Ant was sitting down with his knees to his chest. A small, but noticeably deep, cut was still bleeding on his cheek. "Ant!" Dan got in front of him and Ant took a second before wrapping his arms around Dan.

"Dan!" He exclaimed happily "I'm so happy right now I could kiss you!"

"I wouldn't. I didn't have time to brush my teeth after my coffee" Dan joked, earning a laugh from Ant. Dan helped the taller man up off of the ground. The two checked out of the building to see where the animatronics were. Freddy was on stage, Bonnie was in the hall outside of the office doors, Chica was in the Kitchen where the two discovered a meat grinder, and Foxy was still in his cove.

"Do you believe me now" Ant asked him and Dan just sighed

"They're supposed to walk around during the night Ant, it keeps their servos from locking up in place" Dan explained but Ant just gave him a look. "They used to walk around during the day until an incident" Ant tensed

"What incident?" He asked, in an all most joyous tone

"Dude I know you're stressed but that's fucked up."

"What is?" Ant stopped walking

"You sounded happy about It!" Dan snapped at him and Ant looked taken aback

"I didn't mean to. I was just curious about it" Ant told him. "I mean I've never heard of it and someone I knew worked here"

Dan sighed again and looked around at the dining area "A child got their head bitten by one of the animatronics" Ant paused. "Apparently he didn't survive it"

"Billy was a friend of ours. He was 16 at the time. While William was messing with Dance Revaluation, Billy went back to where the bathrooms were and into the back room. He never returned. They called the Killer 'The Purple Guy' because the last time he was seen he wore all purple. Dan, you were the one who found Billy's body. How do you not remember?" Ant stared at his friend who slowly turned to face him.

"Nice try. You're not going to scare me into believing that these Animatronics have something wrong with them" Dan crossed his arms with a glare. "You shouldn't be joking about stuff like that"

Ant frowned, rage starting to fill his body "What makes you think I would be lying about that! You want proof? FINE! I'll get you Proof!" Ant Snapped at him and he spun on his heel, storming out of the building. Dan stood in the empty building and he let out an angry sigh. He then watched Ronaldo walk into the building, his hair was pulled back into a bun

"Jeez, the work day just started. Who pissed in your breakfast?" Ronaldo asked him, making Dan glare at him in return. Ronaldo put his hands up defensively.

"Sorry just, Ant apparently had a rough night" Dan explained and Ronaldo started laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I tampered with the animatronics! I didn't know they would work that well!" Ronaldo kept laughing

"Dude! He got attacked!" Dan snapped at him and Ronaldo started laughing harder

"Even better!" He managed to say between laughs.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dan almost shouted at him. Ronaldo stopped. "How is that Funny?! Ant barely made it through the night!" Ronaldo put his hands up defensively

"It was just a joke" Ronaldo crossed his arms and Dan sighed

"Get out."

"What?" Ronaldo had a shocked look on his face

"Get out! You endangered an employee for a joke. You tampered with the animatronics. You're fired" Dan told him and Ronaldo stared at him. "I don't want to see you anywhere near this establishment again" Ronaldo glared at him but left. Dan sighed as he sat down at one of the tables. "How did I get into this mess?" Dan pulled his phone out and called Ant.

'Hello?' Ant yawned

"Don't bother coming in" Dan said

'Am I Fired?' Ant asked, panicked

"No, I just fired Ronaldo though. I want to witness these animatronics moving around first hand" Dan explained to him

'But-' Ant didn't get a chance to talk before Dan hung up. Dan looked at the clock hanging up on the wall and decided that today was going to be long. Really long.

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