England x Reader.

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(Reader's POV)

Ah, another world meeting. Its always the same; America will brag on about being a 'hero', honestly, his 'heroic deeds' are giving me quite a headache. Romano, or the south of Italy should I say, constantly firing insults to 'boss' Spain, I don't even want to know what the reason was for him to call Spain a tomato b#####d. Anyhow, today's world meeting required the capitols of each country to accompany them, by order of the head. Paris was elegantly sat to the left of France, annoying me slightly with her care free attitude and regular smirks towards myself and myself alone. Alongside Denmark stood Copenhagen, holding him a basket of freshly made Danish pasties, that Dane had her as a slave, even though he 'apparently' treated her like a queen. And then their was England, the country I stood beside proudly, you may call me London, for that is my name after all. 

I didn't have a choice in being the grand capital of England, although, I'm not complaining the slightest. I loved being with the cocky Brit, even if he did snap now and again, but he had all the reason to. He had to put up with the whole world and his own queen. I helped of course, I always have and I always will, you see, I feel protective over the grouchy Englishman, I've known him since we were just little toddlers. Although we were born together, we have absolutely no relation whatsoever, I'm glad of that, seen as though I've been feeling a lot more than friendship toward him, more than should be allowed. 

I couldn't hide from the fact that I had indeed fallen head over heels for him, and I had no shame in admitting so either. I was in love with my own country that I stood as capital for. Although I looked upon him with a proud smile gracing my lips, inside, my heart was slowly being torn in two. England had an eye for Seychelles, an island he found within his pirate era. Although jealousy was eating away at me, a horrible trait to have, I couldn't help but feel happy. I felt happy because he was happy, although he hasn't asked for her hand yet. 

After a while submerged within a deep train of thought, I heard a velvety voice come to save me. 

"Are you okay, love?" I looked to my side, melting in his emerald gaze.

"Y-yes sir. Why'd you ask?" Blast, I stuttered, that's how much of an effect he had on me.

"(name), I told you to call me Arthur, not sir. Oh, and the reason I asked was because the meeting was over ten minutes ago, everyone has left. You've been standing there glaring at the table. Something's on your mind, what is it?" Dammit, am I that easy to read? No wonder he likes that tropical island. 

"I can assure you, nothing is wrong" I lied. 

"You're lying. Tell me the truth, love. I do care about you, you know? You are a part of me, after all." He insisted, laying a large, warm hand on my fragile shoulder. I could feel the heat radiating from his hand through my uniform, causing a wave of heat to wash over my body. I could already feel the heat from the blush that had adorned upon my cheeks.

I took a deep breath, before shaking off his hand, walking past him toward the door at the end of the table. With a sweating hand laid on the handle, I let my barriers fall, bracing myself for what was yet to come. 

"Do...You're quite attached to Miss Seychelles, aren't you, Arthur? You don't have to admit it, I already know. To think, I've been indulging in this fantasy that will never come true, a dream of you looking at me the way you look at her. But now I know, you never will. I'll always be nothing more than your capital." I let out a sigh, the familiar feeling of hot tears cascading down my rosy cheeks signalling my cue to leave. 

"Good-bye, Arthur." I mumbled, broken.

I only managed to place a foot out of the door before two familiar, uniform clad arms gently pulled me back, wrapping around my waist. A quiet gasp escaped my pursed lips as my head whipped around, only to see Arthur's face mirroring mine, eyes red and puffy from crying, dampened cheeks, the only difference was a gentle, loving smile softly placed upon his lips.

"Idiot. To think I've been resisting to admit that I've been in love with you since our youth. You're the only one who has never left me, and would never dream of hurting me the way so many have. Miss Seychelles was just a friend, its that frog's love interest, not mine. Mine, is you London. It always has, and it always will be. You don't know how happy you have made me, (name)" Arthur admitted, nuzzling his face into the back of my neck. 

"You.. do?" I stuttered, utter shock and realization taking over me completely.

Arthur removed his face from my neck, his finger gliding over my shoulder, over my neck to my jaw, turning my head ever so slightly before placing a kiss on the corner of my lips. 

"Does that answer your question, love?".

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