Chapter 4 - Violette Gwynn

Start from the beginning

    "How long of a walk do you reckon this is?" I asked Marlene excitedly. 

    "I don't know, and I don't care," She admitted breathlessly, a bright gleam shining in her eyes, "I'm just happy to be here." Her gaze was stuck on the castle in front of us.

    After far too long, we reached a large door that had a man standing in front of it, a sour look on his face and an unmoving furrow in his brow. He had long hair that was kind of grey and he wore a long old brown coat. An angry looking cat sat next to him on the ground right next to him. He was rather peculiar looking; rather mean looking, truthfully.

"Students," he welcomed gruffly, "I'm Mr. Filch, the grounds keeper. Follow me through these doors and into the Great Hall," He grumbled plainly, pushing the doors opening with a lack of fanfare. The large door opened with hardly a sound, but revealed a grand staircase built up of aged, white stone.

    With the doors opened, Mr. Filch walked inside, waving his hand at us to follow him. The four of us were in the front along with a couple other kids. Granger was even here! Grinning, I scurried behind her as we went up the stairs.

Before I could lose her in the crowd, I decided to get her attention, "Hermione!" I whispered loudly. She turned around and, when she spotted me, smiled widely.

Eagerly, I ran up the stairs so I could be next to her. She fervently linked arms with me and we continued to walk together, Hermione quietly whispering random details about the school to me.

"I read Hogwarts: A History by Bathilda Bagshot from front to back twice before I came here," she told me quietly, excitement bleeding into her tone at a rapid pace. "It was brilliant! I had never read so much Wizarding history at once."

I had met other muggles and muggleborns in my life before, but never any I had an actual chance at being friends with. I had muggle cousins and relatives on my da's side, of course, but I had lived in the wizarding world for nearly all of my life. My father didn't shy away from incorporating muggle aspects into our home and life, but he could only do so much.

All I knew was that I couldn't wait to become better friends with Hermione. It was amazing how she already knew so much about Hogwarts!

    Soon enough, we had reached the top of the staircase. There was a woman standing at the top in front of another set of giant doors, her hands clasped behind her back and a witch's hat balanced upon her head.

    We all made our way up and stopped before her, students whispering excitedly from all around us. When she didn't make a move to speak, I figured she was waiting for everyone else to reach the staircase.

    She was an older woman, a rather tall one at that. There was quite a severe look to her face, as though she wouldn't hesitate to send you to detention for doing something out of line, and she had fairly striking eyes. She wore a beautiful set of robes, long and elegant, I couldn't help but notice.

A loud voice, high pitched and mocking, suddenly caught my ear, tearing my gaze away from the witch and onto some sort of scuffle going on just a little ways away.

"You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." I didn't recognize the voice, or the boy, but he was blond, rather small, and had enough product in his hair to start a fire. I stifled a snort at the observation.

Across from him was an even smaller boy, with messy brown hair and a pair of round glasses perched on his nose. I looked to Genevieve and Rosalie who were standing behind the blonde haired boy, wondering if they knew who he was. From the looks on their faces, I assumed they did.

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