🤨why tho😶

68 3 16

So I still love Sara after all these months.... Am I stupid for it? Like I always try to forget I loved xer but it keeps popping up that I love xer *sigh* is there anything I can do? Xe is with someone else and I clearly look like a bitch but I just want to understand why I am like this as I always do I ship my character with other characters that Sara ships her with

Flaky x ak
Flippy x ak
Whitty x ak
Sky x ak
Kapi x ak
Gf x ak

But... I still feel empty, I know I sound dramatic but my heart keeps crying cause of that and of course I have some questions I need awnsers for

1:is it ok to keep feelings of someone who is your ex?
2:am I a bitch for still loving Sara?
3:is it ok to I keep crying cause of our failed romance?....

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