Chapter One: Letters and Ruby Tresses

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Anna was no hero.

Though she was sure many people thought otherwise, seeing all the horrible things she had been through during her short life-span. She had survived and lasted as a newborn baby against one of the Wizarding World’s most feared villains. 12 years later she had been taken to the Chamber of Secrets, and every year after that something big and horrible had happened in her life, that had her wondering if she had been cursed from the second she was born.

Slowly, she traced the crude scar that ran across her collarbone - her award after surviving yet another encounter with the one and only Voldemort. Madam Pomfrey had tried her best, but Anna had always scarred easily. But she didn’t mind. By now, she was used to adjusting to unexpected burdens.

When she had first agreed to become a witch, Anna had been so sure that her life could only get better. After all - what child didn’t dream of being immersed in a whole other world literally full of magic?

If she had known the cost of her wand would be so expensive, Anna wondered if her bug-eyed 11 year old self would’ve still accepted that letter from Hogwarts, knowing how her life would’ve changed and how much pain she would suffer for the next long years of her life.

Anna shook her head from her previous thoughts, tucking a stray crimson curl back behind her ear - annoyed when it merely bounced back into her face a second later.

Ginny was the one who had recommended the ‘makeover’ - hoping it would distract Anna from the ‘pain’ of losing her first true love.

In a way, it did. Cedric had always preferred her hair short, but with the help of Ginny’s many elixirs, it had grown to rapunzel-worthy lengths - reaching her knees. But as hard as it was to deal with and maintain, the wicked pleasure of imagining Cedric’s reaction to her new look made it worth it.

He was dead - as she was made fully aware of it by the constant pitying stares she received from every end of the house. (Believe her, nothing could ever be as awkward as Mrs. Weasley breaking down into tears on her shoulder about the ‘tragedy’ it was for a young love story to end so quickly.)

Only Draco still knew about what exactly had happened between them, but the only thing more awkward than a crying middle-aged woman on your shoulder was talking with your male best friend/crush/forbidden love about the cheating ex that had forced the 2 of you apart.

Honestly, Anna didn’t know what she wanted anymore. At first, she had decided not telling anyone was the best option - given that he was dead and had been murdered, and the fact that he had cheated on her did not make it right.

But then again, she was still there. Alive, breathing and angry that she had been betrayed by one of the people she had trusted most. If he was alive, it would’ve hurt seeing his face, but at least she could’ve gotten closure.

At least she wouldn’t have to play the role of a grieving girlfriend and flat-out lie to his parents that he was a wonderful boyfriend who always did the right thing.

A knock suddenly came at the door, causing Anna to turn around and face Ginny, who sent her a raised eyebrow in return. “Who are you writing to?”

“Hagrid.” She quickly lied. “He wanted to know if I could help him with his animals. You know how he is.”

Truthfully, she had promised to keep in touch with Draco by letter, and while Ginny knew of her friendship with the boy, it wasn’t exactly a safe topic, given that while Draco was friends with her, he still had a knack for taunting the rest of her friends - namely all Gryffindors in general.

“Right.” Ginny said slowly, knowing Anna was lying, but not wanting to get into it. She pointed to where Anna’s hands were aggressively tugging at her long ringlets. “Do you need help with that?”

“No - it’s my face a lot.” She said - finally managing to secure most of it in a lopsided ponytail. “I still have yet to get the hang of it.”

“You know, we could just trim it.” Ginny offered. “I was a tad bit overzealous with the growth elixir. Maybe-”

“It’s fine, Gin. Really.” Anna insisted. “It’s like you said - change is good. And I need some change right now. I’ve had short hair for quite a while now, and the memories aren’t good. I need to make new memories - with very different hair.”

Ginny waved her arms as she collapsed onto her side of the bed. “Okay then - I wouldn't dare touch your brilliant ruby tresses.” She mocked, causing Anna to send her best friend a long look. “What? I’m just saying - if I had all that extra weight at the back of my head, I’d be a bit grumpy too.”

Anna made another face. “You think I’m grumpy.”

“Maybe grumpy isn’t the right word...I don’t know. You’re different though. Not sad. More...frustrated. Like you want to do something, but you can’t.”

Well, no one could give Ginny heartache for being unobservant.

“It’s not because of my hair.” She deadpanned. “And it’s not because I want to date Draco, but I feel like I can’t because Cedric’s gone.”

That had been one of the most ridiculous suggestions Anna had ever heard Ginny make. Sure, she wanted to be with Draco. He was one of the most gorgeous boys she had ever seen - not to mention he had already memorized all her favourite foods. (The best way to a girl's heart was obviously through her stomach)

But she didn’t not want to be with him just because Cedric was dead. There were countless other variables and reasons why she couldn’t be with him - starting with the fact she was a Gryffindor and ending with the fact he was a Slytherin. No Gryffindor-Slytherin relationship had ever succeeded, not to mention the fact they were complete and total opposites on all levels. They just weren’t a good fit. And as much as she wished they could be together, they couldn’t.

Ginny shrugged, sitting up as she pointed to ‘Hagrid’s’ letter. “Don’t put a return address. 12 Grimmauld Place is confidential.”

“I know, Ginerva.” Anna retorted as Ginny walked out of the room, giving Anna a teasing pout before she fully left.

The redhead sighed, setting down her quill as she reread the letter she wrote - quickly checking for any things she shouldn't have said.

Ginny can’t be right, it’s not because of Cedric I don’t want to date Draco. I couldn’t even date him if I wanted to because of his parents. She scoffed at herself.

Besides. Why wish for something too impossible to have?

Enter the new phase of Anna’s character arc: self-doubt and low self-confidence.

As much as Anna knows that Cedric was the one who messed up by cheating on her, he’s gone, so he can’t explain himself, leaving Anna by herself to try and answer the reason why he didn’t want her anymore. Now she's asking questions like ‘why wasn’t I enough?’ or ‘why didn’t he want me’ - eventually leading to the more negative mindset of ‘no one wants me’.

But I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of the new fanfic and I hope you all are enjoying Anna’s journey as she begins the next big challenge of her story!

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