"I apologize, Hwa."

The carriage went quiet again for another half an hour, Yeosang still slumped on the floor.

Hongjoong was amused. He couldn’t help but wonder how a high-class Lord could be someone like Yeosang. He had never heard of another that acted in that way and in all honesty, he expected all of them to be more like Seonghwa.

He stared out the window and slowly began getting drowsy. His head drooping and lightly hitting the window every now and then. 

He felt a gentle hand grab his head and was guided to lean against Seonghwas shoulder. He was nearly fully asleep when a loud whine erupted from Yeosang's mouth disturbing his peace.

"Mother I need to use the bathroom!"

"Why are you like this?" The Duchess asked.

"I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me why humans need to use the bathroom and why I have to use it now?"

The Duchess let out a sigh and ignored Yeosang, turning to stare out the window.

"Go tell your Father then," she said after a while.

Yeosang obeyed, getting up from the floor and crawling on top of Seonghwa to reach a small window behind the males head to tell them they needed to stop.

Seonghwa grunted in pain but waited for his cousin to finish speaking to push him off.

No one else got out of the carriage except for Jongho who also needed to use the bathroom and Hongjoong settled against Seonghwa again to fall asleep. 

Even when the other two males entered he didn’t move nor when the carriage hit a rock. He didn’t move when he felt a weight settle against his head, that being Seonghwas head, and after a while, he fell asleep. 

The two sleeping against each other while Yeosang longed to do the same with the male a mere two inches away. 

Seonghwa took that opportunity to sleep close to the tiny male knowing that he would never have another opportunity like that and slept with a smile on his face. 

He did not wake for another three hours and even then did Hongjoong not wake up. And when they were served a meal, Seonghwa did not wake the younger and instead held the food so that he could eat when he woke up.

The long sleep made Seonghwa wonder how much Hongjoong slept per night. It couldn’t be a healthy amount if he was still asleep two hours after Seonghwa woke up.

Yeosang now speaking in whispers since he had been glared at by his cousin for being too loud and could possibly wake Hongjoong. 

Finally, Hongjoong woke up. 

The first thing he realized even before he even opened his eyes was that Seonghwa now had an arm wrapped around him to hold him steadily and butterflies erupted within his stomach. His eyes blearily opened and he saw Jongho subtly playing with Yeosang's now shoulder-length hair.

The male lifted his head and Seonghwa turned to look, his head tilted slightly down so he could see Hongjoong. Their faces extremely close and their noses basically touching.

"Good morning," Seonghwa greeted, a dazzling smile on his face that made Hongjoong smile back widely.


"It’s actually evening," Yeosang said, interrupting the aura of their little bubble.

"Shut up. I know that and so does Hongjoong. Now back to whisper complaining about whatever you were saying."

Lord of Equestrians - SeongJoong ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now