The Stallion

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I stepped out onto the streets the air was cold and the wind wipped harshly against my body. It was nights like this I wish I had nicked a coat from the market. Sure I could probably spare the money to buy one but I couldn't afford to buy everyone one and the guilt would eat me alive. I'm too soft for this job most of my gang knew that but they still followed my word like the bible sometimes I just wanted to shake them and tell them to get a life of their own.Their own fucking opinions for goodness sake just stop depending on me so much .

The moon lit up the path infront of me as I slowly walked
I knew were I was walking subconsciously its where I always
Ended up. However I could see a dark figure in the middle of the field which was strange their haven't been horses here for years since the fire. The horse seemed to sense me and it froze its eyes snapping up to meet mine. I slowed down almost to a stop and crept forward my hands the air. We both approached the fence slowly roughly arriving at the same time. The horse towered over me I couldn't make out the shape,colour or how built the horse was in the dark the fog certainly wasn't helping, maybe if I could I would have run. No horse this nice should have been In this dirty run down town.

"Hey there mate"

I whispered moving my hands slightly forward as he eyes me cautiously

"you all alone out here" "seems like you could do with a friend I know I wouldn't mind one"

The horse bumped my hand giving Me his approval

I climed over the gate and sat down with my back to it staring into the open field

The horse bumped My head with his before laying down with his head in my lap I shivered from the cold and found my self cuddling up with it

"You ever just wish you could start a fresh change you name and run away no one in the world would know who you are" I sung softly rubbing his ears "maybe life would be easier and maybe love would be more if no one in the world knew who you where"

The horse made a loud noise that knocked me out of my trance

"Yeah your right sounds dumb I mean your a horse somehow doubt your life is as complicated as mine you just prance around all day eating" his ears perked up and that as be beagin to nibble in the edge of my shirt

"Oy bugger off" i muttered giving him a shove
I smiled slightly pulling out the apple Jonathan have me earlier

"Here mate I wasn't going to eat it anyway" I said holding out the apple for him to eat

"I see you made a freind ay lucky" a man's voice cut through the night like a knife

I went to jump up just to be nudged back down by the horse who had trapped my feet

The man climed the fence effortlessly and sat in front of me maintaining a distance as If not to scare me he didn't say anything so after a 5 minutes of watching him carefully I turned back to lucky I guess his name was who had destroyed the apple

"I'm surprised he let cha get near him doesn't even let me at the best of times just came down to make sure he wasn't to freaked out by the new environment imagine my surprise ay" the man said his voice void of emotion

"He expensive" I ask

"Not as much as he should have been he's got a long line off famous trainers that All couldn't keep him in check" the man said shrugging off his coat

"Good boy" I whispered to the horse surprisingly comfortable with the situation "you make them fancy tossers work for their money"

I felt  something enter my personal space and tensed up before I realised it was the man's coat

"Put it on before you freeze to death kid" the man told me with a voice that left no room for arguments

I pulled it over my shoulders and left out a breath shocked at the warmth it provided
"Fucking hell" I muttered pulling it tighter around me not realising how cold I really was.

"Any reason your out here kid" the man questioned me

"Just balancing the world on my shoulders" I laughed

"One of them nights I see" he said rooting for something in his trouser pocket

The horse stood up and trotted around the field slightly but didn't wander to far away

"Its always one if then night" I responded watching carefully

"You got people depending on ya" He asked

I nodded keeping my eyes on him

"Let me give you some advice kid" He found what he was looking for and held the cigarette between his lips as he looked for the lighter

"you can win every battle but that doesn't mean you've won the war
All it takes is one singular fuck up to loose everything you've ever gained you can over think All you want but at the end of the day when that time comes and your backs against the wall this" He leaned forward and tapped my heart "won't save you this will" He tapped my head "its okay to put yourself first to be selfish surviving to fight another day is the most important thing"

"You know for a creepy old man In a field your pretty wise" I heard him chuckled dryly and light up his smoke

He looked up at me to reply but we froze the cigarette illuminating our faces both of us staring into identical ice blue eyes

I jumped up hand my hand going for my gun forgetting I left it at the warehouse

He stood up carefully putting his hand up and standing up he took a step backwards "its okay kid its okay I'm not going to hurt you let's talk okay I just want to talk"

I was already up my back against the fence

"Look I get it your probably scared and confused but we can help eachother let's help eachother understand" "come on" he opens his arms as if for a hug and gently coaxed me over

"Let's talk me  come on thats it" He whispered as I took a step towards him


Before tommy could grab her she was gone ducking into an alleyway and over a wall

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