chapter 12

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Severus gets up after crying for an hour and starts preparing himself to floo call his father as he has no choice now as harry is in a coma he didn't want to call his father as they haven't spoken in six months due to a fight they got into but Severus is going to apologise as he knows now it was his fault they argued he just didn't want to admit it but he has to let his father know that his grandson is in a coma.

Severus finishes getting ready then goes to the floo and grabs floo powder and throws it into the fire and shouts riddle manor.

meanwhile Tom Riddle aka Voldemort was sitting in the parlour reading when the fire flashes green and out steps his son that he hasn't seen or spoken to in six months.

"Do you need something Severus Marvolo Snape Riddle, I haven't spoken, seen or heard from you in six months and now you come, so you must need something what is it?"

"Hello father, first of all I want to apologies to you for the argument that we had it was my fault and secondly I would like to apologise for my disrespect towards you, you did not deserve that from me, and lastly I am here to inform you that your grandson slipped into a coma after having a panic attack that led to a seizure" Severus says then breaks down crying again.

"Oh Severus, its okay come here we will get through this together" tom says as he embraces his son.

An hour later after Severus has updated his father he gets a page to go back to the hospital so he asks his father to go with him as he has a feeling it is about harry.

When they get to the hospital they are told to go up to Harrys room as he has just come out of his coma and wishes to speak to his father so they go up to room 212 and see Harry sat up in the bed. 

"how are you feeling harry" asked Severus 

"hi dad I'm fine I feel better now I'm sorry for getting  suspended from school"

"none of that now young man you need to concentrate on getting better" says tom 

"But grandad I'm ok I feel better now besides I know I'm in trouble for getting suspended and for throwing a firework into a already volatile potion"

"yes you are in trouble, but I say when we will discuss your deplorable behaviour young man not you, as head of this family everything goes through me unless I say otherwise the only reason it hasn't been going through me is because you father developed an attitude problem and cut off communication with me for which we be discussing by the way Severus Marvolo Snape Riddle"

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