She wanted to be listened to.

So she decided to take a stand. As someone that they couldn't ignore.

She constructed an army of gems that were shunned for being wrong. They all saw the earth as somewhere worth protecting.

Eventually, all the fighting made its presence known to Yellow Diamond. Yellow, infuriated, sent a battalion to shatter them, as they would not show themselves to the Diamond Court. But when she realized the gems she sent were shattered instead, she went to Pink and told her to have her loyal gems shatter the traitors, as she didn't want any more of her gems getting killed.

Pink agreed and sent some gems to shatter the traitors, of which she then turned back to her Rose Quartz facade and shattered all the gems she had sent for herself.

Eventually, with this back and forth going on, a full-on war broke out.

Yellow and Blue got tired of sending in soldiers, as they all kept getting shattered. So they went to Black with a request. While Black knew who Rose Quartz was, she decided to do nothing. As she knew that if she did intervene, Pink would never have a colony of her own ever again. But when Yellow and Blue had begged for her to Help, she couldn't say no. With her armies strong, and their loyalty stronger, Black had an unkillable army at her demand. She sent five battalions, praying that Pink wouldn't get shattered by any rebels that didn't know, or by her Gems, who saw her as a Traitor. It was a terrifying balance to maintain.

That is until Blue barged into Black's room.

"IT'S HORRIBLE. IT'S DISGUSTING." She shouted in rage.

"Blue. Blue, what happened!?"

"They.. They fused! A ruby and sapphire! They fused!" Blue screamed with disgust.

Black's face scrunched up in disgust.

"Oh, that must have been horrid to witness," Black said quietly.

"Oh, it was. The worst part is that they fled to Earth's surface before I could even shatter them!"

"So, what you're saying is that a rogue Sapphire and Ruby are somewhere on Earth?!"


"The crystal gems forced two gems to fuse.. How utterly despicable. You know what.. I'm sending an Army. This has gone on long enough." Black's Scream Cracked the walls.

But she was a Gem of her word. Thousands of gems. Flocked to Earth's surface, all with one mission. 'End the War, Once and for All.'

But something went horribly, horribly wrong..

"Pink Diamond has been shattered."

"No, you must be lying."

"I apologize, but I am not." The Jasper of Black Diamond's court Placed the Shards of Pink diamond on the table.

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