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James didn't know what to make of it; he told Lily he did, but if he was being honest with himself, he didn't know. I mean, obviously, Sirius would be devastated if Regulus really turned out to be a Death Eater, especially since he had written Regulus that letter. And he didn't know when Lily had turned out to be wrong.

Except for the day she said, "I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the Giant Squid!"

And it wasn't a choice, but she still chose him.

Coming back to Sirius, James had no clue how to deal with it. He would need to tell Lily that.

But, for now... James grinned and rolled up his sleeves, heading out the Portrait Hole, to The Quidditch Pitch. Today were trials.

After an hour of trials, James found the new Quidditch Team, 1 Beater, 2 Chasers and no Seekers.

Muddy and throughly hungry, James hurried for a spot of dinner; it was already 8. As he sat beside Lily, she said, "You figured out what to do yet?" James shook his head ruefully. "I have not. We cannot tell Sirius but we cannot NOT tell Sirius. Speaking of, " James said, looking around, "Where is Sirius?" Lily shrugged, getting up. "Wha-? You are finished?" "Everyone has finished, James." Lily pointed out, looking amused. James looked around; she was right. "But I just came!" He replied, pouting. Lily laughed and bent down to his level. "But you are also muddy and came from Quidditch Practice. Also, you are cute." She added as an afterthought. James sighed. "Know what? I am finished." He said, getting up as well. "We need to decide what to do about Regulus." He looked at the Slytherin Table, where Regulus sat with Snape and Avery and Nott. Lily shrugged. "Suit yourself. But wash first, please. You stink." "I don't stink." James said, looking affronted and the couple went the whole way arguing.

Just like old times.

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