Need Help Sleeping, Mon Amie?

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Tamaki x Reader: Sleep-Aid

Not again...

You turned to see the light of your clock, 2:31... Usually your melatonin gummies would have kicked in by now, but this time it just wasn't happening. Resigned to another accidental all-nighter, you pulled your slippers on and stood up, ready to begin raiding the fridge yet again (Morinozuka was really beginning to rub off on you).

What did you have in your fridge tonight? Leftovers, definitely, but what those were was debatable. Pizza probably from the last time Tamaki Senpai had slept over. He'd insisted on trying it. Some pepperoni sounded really good right about now. That and a 2 am glass of water sounded like heaven.

That was when something caught the bottom of your foot, tripping you onto the carpet with a loud thump. You held your breath, praying to God that none of your maids heard. Then the object begun to move beneath you, groaning quietly and muttering barely coherent sentences in French.

"T... Tamaki Senpai?" You whispered, still not trying to wake any of your family's servants.

It's Saturday night, you thought. Tamaki usually stayed over on Saturday nights. His father would be out of town for the weekends, leaving Tamaki alone on Saturday nights. Being the emotionally attached extrovert he was, it was only a matter of time before he started asking to stay at your home on the last night of the week.

Although, as per your family's rules, Tamaki slept in one of the many guest rooms in your family's home. He never disrespected your parents rules, especially regarding what was proper for a young adult.

But still, here he was, fast asleep and bundled up on your carpet, "The one and only~..."

It was incredibly obvious that he had been at least mostly asleep based on how badly he was slurring his words, "What're you doing up so late?"

"I... I was going to get a midnight snack..."

"Eating right before bed will give you nightmares, Mon Amie."

"I know," dear lord had you learned that lesson in your childhood, "But I was also going to get a glass of water."

"You're not a good liar you know," It was hard to see in the dark, but based on the vibrant blond of his hair, you could see his raised eyebrow, "Why were you really up so late?"

"I'm not lying," You hushed, defensively, "Just... wasn't entirely honest... That's not a lie. It's a halftruth."

"It's too late for the distinction, Mon Amie," it was now your turn to raise an eyebrow, "Lie or half truth... can I know the full truth?"

You were incredibly reluctant to tell him, but something about Tamaki made it hard to keep things from him for long, "I was having trouble sleeping."

"Is that it?" He asked, "You could have just woken me up."

"I didn't know you were in my room, Tamaki Senpai."

"Even still," He stood up, his six feet stretching with the audible pop of his spine, "I'm here to help."

"How do you intend on doing that?"

"Like this:" and with that, his arms were wrapped around your waist, pulling you back onto your bed, this time him with you. He wriggled a bit, attempting to get the two of you into a comfortable snuggling position, and opting for simple spooning.

His arms wrapped around your waist and his head nuzzled into the crook of your neck, "Is anything troubling you, cherie?"

"Not particularly," you mumbled, "just couldn't sleep... I've had this problem since childhood..."

"What did you do back then?"

"Well... when I was about seven I started taking melatonin gummies, but I think I've become a bit resistant to them since they don't really work for me anymore."

He hummed concerned, moving one hand to pet your hair, "My sincerest apologies."

"Its fine."

"... Well if the gummies aren't working for you, maybe we can develope a new method for falling asleep."

"What would that be, senpai?" You turned to look at him.

"..." and with that, he held you close to your chest, and began to hum a song that you'd heard him play on piano before. Something by Mozart probably.

It felt so calming and having your partner holding you so close was so relaxing that you felt sleep tugging at you after not too long of the song.

He kissed your head, "Are you feeling a bit more tired, mon amie?"

You simply made an uh huh noise, and he chuckled, "Get some rest, Hikaru and Kaoru have invited the whole host club over for brunch tomorrow and you're my plus one~"

The idea of the kind of food the cooks of the Hitachiin family had made filled your mind.

A pleasant enough thought to sleep on, for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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