1. beginning

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"Damn it!"

Cursing under her breath, the student hurried through the corridors of the school. Annoyed that the principal had ordered 'all the paramedics' to get to the infirmary as soon as possible. After all, 'all the paramedics' only referred to her. The actual nurse was on maternity leave and the other two members had left after realizing how much work was behind the title of school paramedic.

Actually, the eighteen-year-old didn't mind giving her classmates medical attention every now and then, after all, it gave her a chance to practice for her dream job. But the emphasis was only on 'now and then'.

During the last weeks there were more and more incidents where she was called out of class to treat injured students. She wondered where the students were hanging out and getting hurt in the middle of class. In addition, she was missing way too much of the subject matter, which was becoming increasingly important as final exams approached. To say that she was pissed would be an understatement. After all, all her experience wouldn't help her in her dream job if her performance in school slacked off and she thus wouldn't be accepted at her university of choice.

The only two reasons why she hadn't thrown her position in the towel were that the position as a school paramedic would only be noted on her report card if she continued it until the end of the school year - which would be incredibly good for her further education - and that she was far too conscientious. She knew that no one else but she would take care of the injured and sick students.

However, she was on the verge. Because lately her classmates were clearly pushing it too far! It was no longer a matter of a slightly high temperature, a headache, a cut on the finger or a bruised knee - everything that could be fixed with painkillers, a band-aid or the infamous ice pack. No, these were classmates who were downright beaten up. It's one thing to miss class to help your classmates who had unintentionally hurt themselves or weren't feeling well. However, to miss the important material because some would-be daredevils were playing hardball, was something she was not willing to accept!

Roughly she slammed open the door of the infirmary, which banged loudly against the wall. She would never have behaved like that, if someone would come to her in the nurse's office. But her premonition had not deceived her, for in front of her sat two boys bolt upright on the sickbeds, because of the bang of the door.

Only with difficulty could she keep her biting comments to herself, biting her tongue, tying her dark straight hair into a ponytail.

"Didn't I tell you I don't want to see either of you here anymore?"

"I-I'm sorry, Misaki!" they both shouted in sync, still sitting bolt upright.

Misaki's eyes narrowed. "When did I give you clowns permission to call me by my first name?"

"S-sorry!" they shouted again.

Mustering, she eyed both boys before turning and preparing the utensils. A bleeding nose, chapped lips and both had a black eye each.

After a short time Misaki turned back with disinfectant, plasters, tamponade and ice pack. She quickly put on gloves and without warning stuck tamponade into her schoolmate's bleeding nose.

"Ouch!" he complained.

Without looking at him, she took a cloth on which she poured copious amounts of disinfectant. "Let it bleed out." Before either of them could react, she wiped the cloth across the face of her other classmate, who began to scream.


"Stop whining!" Misaki was aware that she was being rough with them, however they had it coming! After all, she had to be here and miss class just because they had once again gotten a kick out of fighting. "If you can have a fight, then you should be able to take this one!"

Warm Hands I Manjirō Sano (Mikey)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ