This too Shall Pass

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"Do you know anyone that might have a grudge against you specifically?"

"A few people I've put in prison. Hunter Kirsch maybe."


"I almost married him."

"I thought you were with Lachlan Nonaday?"

"In sophomore year, yes. I started dating Hunter the year after, the year Beanie died. We dated well into my senior year in secret, not wanting his parents to find out. Until they did. He always blamed me for it. I was the reason he got sent to military school. He also probably blames me for his father's death."


"When his father heard that Hunter and I were together, his father went into cardiac arrest and subsequently died."

"I think I need to talk to Hunter Kirsch."

"Kirsch. My office. Now."

"What's wrong?"

"Just get your ass in here." The man walked in, glared at Hotch, and sat down.

"If this is about what I said earlier, I-"

"It's not. Sit down please."

"How well do you know Cassidy?"

"It's a well-known fact that we were friends in high school. Dated for a little while."

"Is that all?"

"I was invited to her wedding. We all were."


"Lachlan, Marie, Conner, Lulu, and I were invited. Noah's Dad too."

"Did you attend?"

"No,  Noah's dad, Frank, did though. I didn't want to cause a scene. After all the shit Cassie has gone through in her life she didn't deserve her ex coming to her wedding and acting like an ass. I was still heartbroken over her. Pissed off too."

"She mentioned your father died."

"He did. He found out we were together and his heart stopped. At first, I blamed her, but after talking to the doctors and explaining the situation they told me it wasn't because of that. My father had a heart defect and they said it was basically a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time before it killed him."

"Do you have any hard feelings concerning her?"

"I don't want her here because it's a reminder. A reminder of all those people who were killed by her father. We have a monument in the town square dedicated to the victims of the Red Cedar Killer. If you want to find someone with a vendetta against Cassie, I would start there."

"Thank you for your time and the information."

"If you need anything else, I'll be here at the station."




"Yes, Agent Monteiro."

"I need all the victim files for the Johnson case"

"It's a lot of info. It's all paper copies too."

"That's fine. If you could have them put the boxes in the conference room, or just get a couple guys to help me bring them up from downstairs that would be fantastic." 

"Cassidy, you don't have to."

"I feel obligated to after what my father did."

"Remember what I told you all those years ago? Who raised you doesn't determine who you are as a person."

"Thanks, Frank."

"Listen. I grab a couple of guys to get those files for you. You sit tight. I mean it, Cassidy."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure." I went and sat in the conference room. After contemplating the case for a few minutes, I looked over to Dr. Reid. 

"Reid, you up for some reading?"

"Case files?" I nodded.

"They don't have them in the system yet. I don't blame them. That's a lot of files."

"Let's get to it then."


Sorry, I've been gone for a minute and it's a short chapter but I wanted to give you guys at least something for being so patient with me. but I do have some good news! I got a new job. I don't start it for another week though and my current job is giving me lots of trouble. (I think they're trying to get me to quit or stay which I'm not doing either) But I'm excited and this new job should mean I'll have a bit more time to write!



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