Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


        I called my father before dinner on Finn’s landline. I told him I was staying at a friends house for the night, and when I did he simply said the words okay. I was unsure if the reason for his easy agreement was because he believed me or because he wanted to. I was too happy to find out.


        Finn was right about his mother’s spaghetti. At first I didn’t believe him because his mother’s food looked good set on the nice table cloth with a creamy red sauce and parmesan cheese put over it. Only when Mrs. Wehr placed the food on my plate did I smell the odd scent of stale pasta.


        Finn was the first one to take a bite and he spit it out right after earning a scowl from his mother and a kick under the table from me.


“ It’s not that bad.” Mrs. Wehr took a bite of her pasta and rolling her eyes at Finn. “ Stop being so dramatic.”


Then she looked at me and with a smile she said, “ Edith what do you think?”


        I looked at her before slowly putting the pasta in my mouth and swallowing. It wasn’t as bad as Finn made it out to be, but it definitely was good either, nevertheless I still put on a smile.


“ It’s good” I lied earning a grin from Mrs. Wehr and a small laugh from Finn. I ended up eating the whole plate, not because I wanted to, but so I didn’t come off as rude. Finn on the other hand touched none of his food telling his mother how paprika was not a spice for pasta, which caused his mother to laugh and tell me how all of her sons knew more about cooking then she did.


        Finn kept his word about ordering a pizza too. Once he brought me back to his room he turned on an old movie and dialed a number on the phone. At first I believed he was ignoring me, leaving me to talk to someone better but then he started saying how he wanted the “cheesy pizza combo” and how he wanted garlic bread without the cheese and I realized I was being paranoid.


“ This is my favorite movie.” Finn murmured after hanging up the phone and lying on his stomach. I looked towards him before shifting on his bed giving him more room. He laughed.


“ You’re something else, Edith.” He laughed before looking back at the screen.


        The movie Finn had put on was the kind of movie that was hard to keep up with. There were four main characters and though we already half way through it I didn’t know the name of any of them.


“ You look bored.” Finn said after a while. I sat up on the bed, pulling down my shirt. “ I'll take that as a yes.”


Finn mimicked my actions before leaning against his headboard. he sighed.


“ I’m sorry I’m being boring.” He said quietly, before using the remote to turn down the volume. “ I just don’t usually invite people to my house often.”

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