The boss's kitten

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Suggest by @Akizhakim

Kuroo tetsuro

Hinata shoyo

Kuroo tetsuro-In this AU kuroo is the no.1 gang in japan he is the most wealthy and powerful person he live in Tokyo.

Hinata shoyo-hinata and natsu is born poor and there mother is the only one working because there dad die from a disease because he didn't want his family to worry about himself so he keep it to his self


"Mom I am soo hungry~" natsu said while rubbing his tummy "just wait here natsu mommy will find food ok? And shoyo will you keep on eye for her while I find food?" There mom said " sure thing mom becareful" hinata said
Ok I'm gonna go now good bye"

"It's gonna be ok natsu let's just wait for mom ok?" "Ok oni-chan" natsu said with a big smile that make hinata smile too after 30 mins of waiting they see there mom walking carrying foods " hey natsu there's mom now!"hinata said while pointing to the direction so natsu would know " *eye's widen* MOM OVER HERE!!" natsu said very happy " ok I'm coming " there mom said and while walking to the streets he didn't notice that there's a truck coming and the truck driver was to late to notice

No one'POV
The truck driver step on the pedel but it was to late the body of the woman he crushed is already flying and hit to the ground



I saw my mother's body hit to the ground my body was froze I was to shocked to move I heard natsu shouting and crying and then natsu run to our
Mother's body lying on the ground full of blood then I slowly walked to my mother's body and my tears was already flooding I slowly put my mom's head in to my lap and " wake up... ne...Ne...NE..!!!!! MOMMMMMM'!!!! I scream as the ambulance came

Natsu and I was sitting on the waiting
When the doctor came "Mrs. hinata" the doctor said "we are Mrs. Hinata's child" well we had bad news and good news what would you like to hear" the doctor said "the good news first" i said "well your mother has nothing serious or critical " oh thank god" i said but I'm still worried about the bad news "and the bad news is..." the doctor face was a little sad so I was worried " the bad news is what doctor " I said in worried tone " well your mother is in a coma...." the doctor said I was shocked and natsu behind me was already crying "well can we atleast see her" I said "yes sure his in there" he pointed the room we're my mom is resting so I walk there and I saw our mother laying on the bed unconscious I rush and hold my mother's hand "mom...please wake up we need you" i said while crying on his hand " mommy I-i am sorry for making you get food for us please forgive me mommy...." natsu said while crying so I pat his head and said " natsu it's ok mom will always love you and and always forgive you and let's just pray and mom will wake up"

"Are you sure *sniffed*" he said "yes" even though I'm not so sure

After a while natsu fall sleep on hinata so he carried her little sister right after then his two best friends showed up "SHOYO/HINATA--" "SHHHHH natsu is sleeping " sorry hinata " yachi said "it's ok" so is your mother alright?" kiyoko said in worried tone " yes his alright but his on a coma" I said "ohh that's sad what about the money to pay to the hospital" yachi said then I forgot about that " don't worry yachi I will find a job.." then the nurse came " Mr. Hinata
"Yes nurse" here are your payments for your mother's life support " then I give to kiyoko to carried natsu and the nurse hand to me the envelope

My eyes widen when I saw how much iy cost for a year

"500,000! For a yea---!" I almost shouted good thing yachi cover my mouth "shhhhh" "sorry" but seriously where can I get this a lot of money" I said "well there is one way..." kiyoko said "what is it I will do it" " are you sure this is a bit risky" kiyoko said while a little bit scared "waitt...are you saying that....thing" yachi asked "yes..." kiyoko you know how much that dangerous right you can't go hinata is to dangerous" yachi said in worried tone" "what is it kiyoko-san" i said "welll... there is the one gang..." what is it..??"


I gulp because that gang is the no.1 scary gang in japan "they said they need a maid there so are you willing to work there hinata...?" How much money per a month"I asked "5,000 per month so are you willing to go hinata" so to think about it it kinda worth it so I have no choice but to agree kiyoko,yachi will you keep on eye on natsu while I'm gone and I promise to give you guys a money for your food and emergency" "hinata your the most caring person of course we will" then kiyoko smile warmly that make hinata smile back and they hug each other

Time skip next morning

Hinata wakes and took a shower to his friend house because there house was small then he was greeted by her little sister and her best friend "good morning oni-chan" good morning to you to natsu and good morning to kiyoko and yachi " and they said there good morning " so hinata are ready for your job" yeah I said "oni-chan you have a JOB!" Yes natsu kiyoko and yachi
Are going to take care of you while I'm work" how long are you going to work there" maybe a month natsu" but I'm gonna miss you" don't woryy baby O will write a letter for you ok?" Hinata sounded like is gonna be ok "ok and promised me you will cime back for me and to your friends to ok" natsu said a little sad " promised and I will comeback to you " and they hug each other and eat there breakfast

Time skip (sorryy lazy take over)

After pack that he needed he bid his farewell to his friend and natsu

Hinata is now in front of the gate of nekoma there were two guards standing still

Guard 1: who are you?

Guard 2: and your not allowed here ot come

They said so I said " I'm here to work as a maid sir" I said as a little scared

Guard 1: ohh my bad let me guide you because your the only one who's going to be the maid

"Ok-- wait I'm the only one!" I said

Guard 2: yeah because the other maid there scared of our boss "Ohhh ok" I said while starting to follow them
After a minute they knock on the door "please do open the door the are maid has arrived" and then the door open and I was amazed about how luxurious the house was. Well what could I expect this is the most famous gang in japan

Guard 1: please go inside and they close the door and leave me alone and then there was a guy with a yellow hair a playing and then he noticed me " so your the maid here" he said "yes sir" good follow me and I quickly followed him and show me to my room this will be your room and there is your outfit to wear and if you needed something just ask me ok" "yes sir " oh and by the way what is your name?" My name is hinata shoyo" kenma kozume" ok your schedule is there" he pointed at the paperwork in the desk " thank you very much sir kenma" ok you're welcome" then he left and I closed th door and let myself fall into the soft mattress " ahhh~ finally I made it" then he checked the schedule for tomorrow's work since he is the only one maid in this mansion after that he went to bed qnd rest because have a lot work to do tomorrow


And that's the first chapter of this story and sorry for the grammar mistakes 😅 😬 and I will update sooner bey love you all

KUROO X HINATA one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now