Chapter 9

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Socks woke up and looked around. He was just sleeping on a couch he didn't remember we're he was.Till it hit  him "TBHHONEST!" Socks shouted. He ran to the kitchen were he saw the crab man talking with Laff.

Tbh looked at socks terrified. Socks ran at tbh and aimed a bunch at his face. Tbh dodged at the last second terrified.

He ran outside were the rest of the gang was socks hot on his tail. He crashed out side and was met by a punch from socks who sent him falling to the ground.

Meme ran foward and grabbed socks arm. "BLAZA! Help me here!" meme called to blaza who grabbed sock's other arm.

Socks struggled to break free. Eventually he just hung limp. Meme and blaza thinking socks gave up loosened there grip and instantly regretted it. As tbh was standing back up from falling Socks charged at him.

"Meme you said you brewed potions that give people the mind of children?" Blaza asked frantic "That's another way of putting it" meme laughed "your over complicating it though."

Blaza glared at meme "NOW IS NOT THE TIME"  Socks had pulled out a dagger and looked like he was about to stab tbh when blaza leaped and knocked socks off of him. The rest of the gang were watching terrified the 14 year old gang were being held back by oof and tbvg.

Laff had finally walked out watching the entire thing happen. Meme grabbed the potion and tossed it to blaza who caught it and tried to make socks drink it but socks wasn't letting him. Laff went to grab socks and blaza finally got socks to drink it. Socks just sat  there eyes closed.

Everyone took a couple of deep breaths and stepped back. "How long will it last meme?" Laff asked. "A hour." Meme responded. "Well what does it do?"  "It sorta makes them have the mentality of a 8 year old or so." Meme chuckled.

Tbh looked terrified his nose was bleeding "so he still can fight." Tbh said deliriously. "Nadwe get some bandages" Oof said. Nadwe ran off to go get the band-aids.

"Everyone just calm down" Woolf said lashing his tail "Yeah listen to the furry" Dino said. Woolf glared at Dino but sat back down in one of the many lawn chairs.

Socks sat up and laughed. "Moment of truth!" Meme said cheerfully "Hey socks you feeling alright?" Socks nodded he stood up and brushed his clothes off he saw tbh "What happened to your nose?" Socks asked. Meme sighed with relief and fell back into his chair

—time skip 2 hours later—

The sun was setting and the entire gang was sitting outside. The potion effect had worn of but socks was no longer mad at tbh (he was still slightly but wasent trying to murder him so it was better then nothing) socks was sitting by himself on the grass listing to music.

Blaza walked over to him "Hey socks you alright?" Blaza said sitting next to socks "I've been better" socks said he made a fire ball appear in his hand and tossed it from hand to hand.

"Can I sit next to you?" Socks nodded and blaza sat next to him. "What are you listing to?" Blaza asked. Socks handed him an ear bud and blaza took it. They sat together listing to music until Laff said it was time to come inside.

Hi author liv here Part of this is a refrence to two sided (the child mentality thing bc socks acting like a tiny  child is cute to me )

Anyway words: 608

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