"Mm." She nodded. After all, who was she to stop him? He'd eventually get bored of her non-committal hums and leave, allowing her to listen to the rabbits whenever they eventually came by. He had friends he was waiting for anyway, so he'd be out of her hair in a flash.

"Thanks!" He sat by a tree opposite hers, pulling a notebook out. "I might mutter a little, so feel free to throw a rock at my head if you want some silence."


When she heard him say that, she thought it was some sort of lighthearted attempt at humour.

She couldn't have been more wrong.

The guy rambled incessantly as he scribbled in that book of his, looking completely lost to the world.

And for Yui?

This was perfect.

She soon forgot completely about the family of bunnies when he began delving into some nonsense about quirk theory, and as little as she knew about the subject, she found peace in the background noise.

Before she knew it, near-incoherent muttering evolved into audible whispers, and then full blown speech.

Hell, he was even making eye contact with her, which made her feel like he was talking directly to her.

The spell was broken by a small rabbit making itself known by stepping onto a twig.

Holding her arms out for the bunny to hop into, she was surprised when the small mammal chose instead to leap into Izuku's lap, who at some point put his notebook away.

"You sure took your time little guy!" Izuku gently rubbed the rabbit's stomach, letting it relax fully in his arms.

"Mm?" She questioned, praying that the boy understood the gist of what she was asking. Luckily, it seemed he did judging by the way his head snapped up from the animal to her.

"Oh, this is one of the friends I mentioned earlier." He explained. "I talk a bit too much, but I like having someone around to at least hear what I'm saying. Otherwise, it feels a little empty, y'know?"

She completely understood.

Not in his way of course, but her predicament was much the same.

"Mm." She nodded, trying to muster up the ability to speak the next phrase. "We're the same."


Yui couldn't help but internally cheer. Getting out a phrase was difficult enough with friends, and she managed to do it with a complete stranger!

"Really? You don't seem all that talkative..." Izuku watched as another bunny hopped into of Yui's arms. "Oh, I see now! You likely find it difficult to talk to people, so you speak to the animals in their stead!"

Completely wrong.

Well, somewhat wrong considering she found it difficult to talk to people, but she wasn't here to speak with the animals either.

As if somehow sensing her thoughts through her emotionless expression, he corrected himself.

"No, that's not the case. When you said we're the same, you were referring to the emptiness, right? So you probably need another living being to be around, which explains your rabbit." He half-muttered, trying to make sense of the situation as he brought a hand to his chin and faced the ground. "In fact, you didn't look fazed at all when I went on my murmuring spree, unlike most people. Could it be possible you enjoy hearing others ramble, as opposed to you doing it yourself?" He surmised, looking up from the grassy floor towards Yui.

Meanwhile, she was stunned. Not that her face would show as much.

"Mm." She nodded.

"Man, that's pretty cool - we match!" His phone buzzed, causing him to open it and curse under his breath. "Sorry, gotta go. Could we continue this some other time?"

He wanted to continue? She supposed she liked his rambling quite a bit, and having an extra bunny around wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Mm." She nodded, pulling out her phone and handing it to him, letting him insert his own contact information.

"Thanks! I'll text you whenever I've got some ranting to do!" Izuku swiftly stood up, carefully releasing his resident rabbit and flaring up his quirk to practically disappear.

Yui watched as her own hopped up from her lap, joining it's brethren and leaving.

Looking up to the sky, she could see why.

It was sunset.

Time sure flew when having fun.

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