"So, are we going to have sex here?" I imply to the couch, my voice wavering.

Harry bursts out laughing making me go all red and look away. Great, now I feel much better. I glance back at him and Harry coughs, trying to hide his laughter. My mouth is a grim line and I frown, if he laughed like this during sex...

"I'm not teaching you sex today," Harry says and coughs, hiding laughter. My mouth slacks open. WHAT!? Then what am I doing here. I close my mouth and scowl at him. "Then why am I here?"

Harry rolls his eyes. "Alicia, sex is later. I have to teach you so many things." And as he said that, his eyes turned darker and his appraised my body. "And I would like to do those things with your Ms. Travie."

I gulped and without knowing bit my lip. I looked at his décor; I couldn't face him right now especially after what he said. But what did he mean, 'sex is later?' "We'll learn how to kiss," Harry said.

My brow furrows and I look at him. "What?" I want to laugh; I know how to kiss Harry. And before I could say those words, Harry presses himself on me and my back hits the cushions making me yelp in surprise. His eyes burn with wickedness and teeth graze his bottom lip. One of his hands slid up to the side of my neck and holds it lightly, as if he was going to choke me. His flick to the side of my neck which he's holding and gives a smile of triumph. My breathing rate hiked and I was sure he could hear my blood rushing to my heart and contracting fast like I was. His eyes slice back to mine. "Comfortable?" He questions, his voice a whisper.

He wiggled which made my legs open and his chest touched mine. It was an odd feeling and at the same very good. I don't answer, of course he's comfy, and he's between my legs! Harry smirked at me, but didn't move.

"Let's teach you about French kissing Alicia, since you know how to kiss, don't you?"

"Yes," I snap. I'm not that hopeless. My answer made him smile even more and he licked his lips and I knew his intentions. He was seducing me with his looks. Two can play it this game Styles. His eyes search my face and he talks. "French kissing isn't all about tongue; it's about building that kiss. You don't want to shove that tongue in there like this."

His face comes closer to mine and his lips touch mine for about a second and then, he parts them, shoving his tongue inside. My tongue touched his and quickly I wanted to deepen the kiss but he pulled back. "You don't wanna do that," He licked his lips, tasting. My eyes widen more; I was getting tingles everywhere, especially there. I lick my lips as well making his eyes turn into slits and his hand on my neck tightens a bit. "Pleasure isn't about getting what you want right away. You want to build and then enjoy the moment."

I nod my head a bit, as if I understood his words. But truth was, I wanted him back in my mouth again. "So Alicia, let the man take the driver seat. Don't just shove your tongue in our mouths." His free hand motions the steering wheel and I laugh a bit in response. "And even if he does, you don't have to sword fight each other's tongue."

Now I giggle. Sword fight, nice one Styles. His eyes widen a bit and in turn he smiles a genuine smile, but quickly as it came it's gone again. His pupil dilates and he ducks his head to my ear. "Be submissive," his breath tickles and he kisses the spot below my earlobe. Delight shivers up my spine. "So here's my advice Ms. Travie, let's count up till four and then we shove tongues in our mouths."

He glances at me for a heartbeat and then his soft lips meet mine. It's soft and delicate, lips parting each other's but I was on a whole new agenda. I want to shove my tongue down Harry's throat. I turned my head, making it easier for Harry to kiss and then I brought my tongue out. It was like my small tongue was hitting a barrier; Harry didn't response by opening his mouth. Instead he pulled back with disapproval. "Be submissive Alicia," he warns. "To get that perfect French, you need to get the perfect kiss and that is by mirroring each other." And then he adds. "I'll go 90 and you go 10."

Sex 101 With Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now