Destruction Of Time With Iset

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Another dragon appeared to attack her as she ran, dodged, rolled over, and jumped to get away from harm.

"those were some close calls", Iset said, as she crouched down, glancing in worry as her, as Yubel dubbed him, 'platonic soul-mate's ' strongest monster appeared flying above her, their mouth-filling with a beam of their signature attack as their eyes shone with sorrow as though apologizing for what's to come, Iset closed her eyes trying to connect Rainbow, which was relatively easy as she shared a bond like no other with the dragon's owner but before she could try anything, an attack was fired which caused her to lose her concentration though luckily she wasn't badly hurt but still got blown back barely keeping her footing.

"Are you serious! A little help here Dark Death!", She summoned her monster by activating her black and red duel disk and placing his card on it, making him appear.

"Always, my friend", Dark Death, who looked nothing like his counterpart, his face was more visible and handsome, held up his crystal scythe, standing in front of his owner cutting the attack in two causing it to ripple and hit a different spot on each side.

"Iset, it's the one who caused these attacks as well as stole the dragons, look above.", Dark Death said in a calm serene yet scarily monotone voice, pointing at a masked man standing on a roof.

"Iset René Kaiba, the duelist who they say can speak with the spirits, the one who rules the 12 dimension", The Masked man said softly, "the world-famous Queen of duels, Princess of games".

"I see my reputation precedes me", Iset smirked 

"do not let your guard down, Ren", Yubel warned moving closer to her along with Rin as Iset nodded.

Banner's spirit appeared on the other side too, "so, he's the one causing all the destruction".

"I'd guess so, Banner, it's impressive, I must admit, bringing spirits to life and having control over the ones who don't even belong to him", Queen Rin spoke looking at him as if he was an interesting specimen.

Iset frowned, "while I agree, creating such mass destruction is indeed impressive, I certainly do not like that, controlling the monsters to do something that they wish not to irks me".

"didn't Jesse, Zane and Atticus say their dragons were stolen from a masked man, even Aster warned you about him", Death spoke without removing his eyes from the man.

Iset's glare intensified, "so not only is he hurting spirits but he is hurting the ones that I hold close to my heart".

"Iset, I've finished what I came here for", The Masked Man said bringing her focus to him.


"say goodbye, because I plan on finishing you off as well", The man pulled out a card that lit up.

"you won't be the first to try...", Iset smirked, "... and fail".

"oh i have heard of you and your adventures, also of how you cruelly and mercilessly destroyed those who opposed you, the grief and pain that stains the spirit world because of you will never be erased as a nightmare that will forever haunt the history of the dimensions", The masked man mocked shocking Iset, how did he know that?

"don't let your fear show, remember you're the queen", Rin reminded.

"in that case you should have known better than to steal when i rule the worlds, i will swear on my crown that you will see what truely i can do first hand, and i won't show mercy even if you beg for it", Iset vowed silently, but it was the kind of silent before the storm, and she will make sure the masked man won't make if unscathed from the disaster he brought upon himself.

A tower of light went up in the air and when it dimmed a beautiful white dragon emerged.

"That dragon is from another dimension or timeline", Rin said narrowing her eyes. Iset however was trying to connect to the dragons, it was easy for the first two but apparently, another timeline dragon was hard though she succeeded.

"Iset, help us", Cyber and Rainbow pleaded, gaining the other dragon's attention, however before she could say anything, the masked man exclaimed, "farewell, Queen of Duels!".

The mystery dragon was forced to blast and attack Iset which was blocked by Dark Death Crystal.


Well, that's the first chapter, next one will be about Yusei's stardust getting stolen and team 5d's discussion about Yugi and Judai as well as the era crumbling and Yusei going back in time so it will be long and so will take at least three days for me to write and recheck, on another note I decided to finish this story before continuing my pokemon ones and... as for the cards that I created I will be creating another chapter in the end which will hold cards of all the monsters and traps and spells cards I created so u just gotta wait, sorry! 


~ RA


ok so i am reedoing everything, hope you like it when i am done

Yu-Gi-Oh!! BONDS BEYOND TIME !! IN HISTORY!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora