✧.* 𝟏𝟐

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mia's pov:

I know y/n and Aiden like each other, and how do I know exactly? Well it's quite simple. You see in the last decade I've known y/n I could practically see the sparks between her and my brother- even when I was a baby. From the days they would come home back from school in first grade and going outside to play for hours on end to going on "platonic soulmate dates" in middle school to having sleepovers every weekend. Now I might've been a literal child during half of those times but I've heard enough from Aiden's stories about her and seen enough in his picture album filled with photos of him and y/n. He even nicknamed it, "My best days are when I'm with you."

I mean come on, if you're going to have a crush on your lifelong bestfriend atleast make it less obvious. Plus, there's no way y/n doesn't feel the same way. Girls at school have had a crush on Aiden for ages, and I couldn't imagine any of them with him except for y/n. Aiden's rejected them all, talking about "waiting for the right one" and I truly think y/n's the one he's talking about. I've seen the way they look at eachother and all the signs just point to them liking eachother. Yeah we're moments away from our scheme, but I think I can make our last few moments here worth-while. I need to make them confess their feelings for eachother just   we don't make it out, which I doubt because we spent hours brainstorming til perfection.

aiden's pov:

A couple hours later? and I was upstairs in our room staring at the falling snow, when in the reflection I saw y/n on the bed doing something in her notebook, drawing I guess. I walked over and sat beside her. I stayed quiet for the most part, just admiring her work. I don't think I ever really took to time to study her thoroughly. Her e/c eyes and h/c strands of hair falling besisde her face. Actually now that I think about it I've used alot of words to describe y/n that I haven't called anyone else, especially girls. Beautiful, smart, a star...my star, and my girl. Most were as a joke of course. That's just what we did, it was our love language as bestfriends.

Do I have feelings for y/n? What the fuck? Of course I do. She's my bestfriend, my top priority after Mia obviously..she's my ride or die. She's everything to me and I can't believe I didn't realize that any sooner. That kiss says it all. She went initiated it so she probably likes me back. Unless it was to shut me up which I highly doubt. She could've slapped me, shook me, literally anything but she chose to kiss me, me. Out of every other guy in her whole life, at that time and place she chose me.

I had to tell Mia, she practically knows all my secrets. I've never told her I liked anyone because I didn't, until now. Then I was interrupted by y/n who got my attention. I probably zoned out for awhile since she was already staring at me. We were inches away, her y/e/c eyes staring into mine.

I quickly glanced at her lips, nearly wanting them on mine. I turned my attention back to her eyes. She just smiled and suddenly wrapped her arms around in an embrace. I felt safe with her, and I didn't want to leave her side. Then I finally understood I didn't like y/n, I loved her.

y/n's pov:

Warmth, affection, and safety were all I could feel when I hugged him. I didn't want to let go but I had to. When we finally pulled away I looked him in the eyes and reassured him it was going be alright.

"Are you ready?" I asked. "It's now or never," he nodded. I went and got Mia who was downstairs watching TV. It was getting dark so Grace would be going to bed soon. That's when we'd strike, it was our only ticket out of here and we couldn't screw it up. We all huddled together after supper by the fire downstairs. It must've been really cold since we were layered in jackets and blankets. Grace had been staring at the flames zoned out, but by now that's a regular habit for her. We kept an eye out for her until she came to her senses again and stood up.

"Alright, it looks like I'm heading to bed. Don't stay up late all night. You don't wanna end up in the walking dead now, do ya?" she laughed. She was practically describing her current state without knowing it. Lucky for her this was all going to end tonight. We waited a couple more minutes to make sure she was fully asleep. Mia and I went upstairs to get our bags down and Aiden soon followed in pursuit. After a whole day or 2 we were finally getting out here. We quietly entered Grace's room and she was out cold. I signaled Aiden to get the gun out and ready. He pulled it out, unlocking the chamber, and then aimed at her without a second thought. "This is it..any last words?" Mia suggested.

Aiden was first to go, "You murdered my dad you smug son of a bitch. This is all your fault, and I knew from the start that we couldn't trust you." He turned to his sister, who looked at Grace, eyes glossy. "None of this would've happened if you never met my dad. You didn't deserve him and you don't deserve us either." I myself couldn't say anything since I just met her a couple days ago, however, I did leave a comment. "I don't know who the fuck you are or what you went through or why you did this, but the pains gonna be over now, for you and us." I looked at Aiden and nodded. He pulled the trigger then, BANG!, lights out for Grace. I checked for a pulse to make sure she was really dead, and to my relief she was. Finally this was all behind us and we could go home.

As blood seeped out of Grace's head, we ran out the room with specks of blood on our faces and clothes. As we made our way downstairs a wave of sensation washed over me and I smiled knowing that we could finally leave this hell of a place. We grabbed our bags and I tossed Aiden the keys. He started the engine as Mia and I put the last of our stuff in the trunk then hopped in. Even though neither of us had a license, I'm sure me and Aiden could pass as 18 year olds, besides, we were just a year away after all. As I looked back at Mia in the back passengers seat, I saw the house get father and father away by the second. We were free and not a moment too soon. We had to get back for Christmas and now we finally are. And I can't wait.


to whomevers reading this, thank you so much for sticking around even with like a years worth of hiatus!? (im exaggerating ofc ofc). but thank you from the bottom of my heart! here's another chapter & there's more to come, happy reading :) im gonna start making my chapters a bit longer because why not!?

─𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆   "ᴬᴵᴰᴱᴺ ᴴᴬᴸᴸ" 𝔵 𝔣𝔢𝔪 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang