i don't know what to name this chapter it'll get a title soon stay tuned

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"Kokomi... you are the finest thing to have encountered in my journey"

"I don't know your name, but my heart melts from ice when you are here, and it splits into four when you're gone."

Kokomi has been visited by a strange man with bizarre abilities to heal the wounded, just as her. Both were knowledgeable and mannered, as well as sharing a passion for the good and a hatred for the bad. To others, The Divine Priestess was as a cold, apathetic general, but with the strange man she was the exact opposite. Her way of expressing love for her people was different from usual, although no one seemed to understand it. It was surprising to Kokomi to have encountered someone that could understand her emotions and her way of being.

After the Vision Hunt Decree was over, Kokomi couldn't help but try to interact with her people as much as possible. So many losses were endured, all innocent people who were simply trying to defend their passion and their title of a human being.

"You're the only one who can really make me smile."

"Do you not feel any happiness at all?"

"Having to worry about thousands of people's life doesn't make me very happy."

The bizarre man was standing next to Kokomi while they were both gazing at the beautiful landscape of Watatsumi Island. Neither of them glanced at eachother even once, and Kokomi started to shiver.

"Shall I offer you my coat, m'lady?"

"No, thank you."


Although, was Kokomi really shivering from the cold, or was it out of fear? Fear that someday she'll lose another loved one too?

"It's not been long since we've met, but..."

Kokomi stared at the man near her, lingering over his beauteous eyes.

"What is your name?"

"I'm afraid it is a question I cannot answer."

"How so?"

The man looked abruptly at Kokomi.

"My name is Jesus."

Silence enveloped the air, and they continued gazing at the sky, at the stars, everything above the atmosphere that belonged to the galaxy. Nights are usually cold, but Kokomi thought this one was the coldest of them all.

The morning was even colder. Jesus was a famed traveler in Teyvat with countless remarkable deeds. He was considered a savior by the people and an enemy by the gods. No one knew that Jesus himself was also a god, and that he was masking his identity because he didn't want any praise while considered a god. He believed all praise was partically, even if little, out of fear; fear that if they won't, they'll face the wrath of a god. Kokomi very well knew of this man, and very much admired him. Not only was he a kind person, but he was also charismatic and attractive. Now that she personally knows Jesus, she has really changed. She learnt how to properly communicate with people, as she had difficulty doing so prior to meeting him.

She was shocked to hear that Jesus was only staying for a few days. She didn't want him to leave. She didn't want him to go...

"Why visit and not stay here? It's a beautiful place. We'll even assure that you have everything you need..."

"I am but a traveler. My goal is not to stay, but to navigate through the whole world, and then come to a conclusion of my own."

"Do you know how long that will take?"

"I'm afraid not."

In the last day Jesus was staying, Kokomi decided to take it upon herself and finally confess her love to him. She loved every bit of him. In the northern part of the island, Kokomi chased after Jesus, who was preparing to leave by boat.

"Wait, please!"

"Is there anything I could help with?"

"Yes... Well, not really, but..."

"I'm waiting. I have all the time in the world."

"I... I love you!"

Jesus was shocked at the confession. He hesitated, then said something that left Kokomi wondering.

"You will only truly love me when you love yourself."

He left Kokomi standing there, on the shore, while he sailed away.

"But how can I do that?"

No one answered. It was not only silent now, but it was lonely too.

------------------------- creator's note

Hello, my dearest followers! I'm very, very, very sorry for the extremely long delay! I'm suffering a bad case of writer's block! I tried my hardest to write something that will satisfy you all!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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Jesus X Sangonomiya Kokomi: A DIVINE Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now