Chapter One

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" Hurry up Corinna, the line's getting long!" Makena screamed. I ran toward the doors of Neptune's Coffee Shop. " Geez Makena, we're still early. You're just here because you want to see Tha-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Makena elbowed me to the stomach as the barista Thaddeus, or Thad, approached the register.

"Good morning ladies, I'm guessing you want the usual? Makena with a medium caramel latte and Corinna with her usual herbal tea?" Thad asked.

Makena chuckled and twirled her hair.

" Yup! You're the best Thad, thanks! Oh and Cor, you need to spice up your taste. All you ever do is order tea." Makena joked.

I flashed a grin and nudged Makena.

" Oh please, I can be special and order tea in a coffee shop. Isn't that right Thad?"

And so we spent the next five minutes on debating the morality of ordering tea in coffee shops.

After receiving our orders, we went to the table near the window.

" Good lord, did you hear about that winter storm alert? Apparently we're suppose to get a foot of snow on Saturday. It's ridiculous. How am I suppose to come back here?" Makena said.

I looked out at the window and peered at the streets.

" In that case, the streets will be so screwed. I should probably stock up on food today to prepare myself. Maybe hit Starlight bookstore to get some novels " I replied.

I thought of my days plan. Within the next hour, we worked on our English essays. It was a very tiresome experience but the caffeine we had boosted up our adrenaline.

" So did you notice Thad staring at me?" Makena whispered.

I was still vigorously typing and replied with a shrug.

" I really think he might like me. What should I say to him? Hey I think you're cute, lets go on a date?" Makena exclaimed.

" Yes, the literary analysis of Robert Frost is complete. I took the tea road and a lot has made a difference." I replied.

Makena kicked me under the table and crossed her arms.

" Corinna Rose, I swear you never listen to me when I talk about my love life!" Makena complained.

I gave her a apologetic look.

" I can see your point with Thaddeus though. He looks over at you and he says hi to you first. You can tell that the vibe is different from coffee service; he's definitely interested in you. " I said.

Makena threw on a huge smile and squirmed in excitement.

" Oh shoot, I have to go to work now or else I'm going to be late. " Makena said as she packed her things.

" Ah, you're suppose to stop by later to have a mascara sampling right?"

Makena had gifted hands for make up and it earned her a job as one of the makeup artists for the beauty salon, Black Cat. With my best friend at a great beauty salon, I got my hair and beauty products at a discounted price

. " Yeah, I think I will have to give up with my Maybelline products." I sighed.

" Okay, well come by later after you finish doing your thing. Love you, bye!" Makena said.

As she walked out, she waved to Thad and he smiled goodbye. Yeah, I was pretty certain they were going to date.

After Makena left, I pulled out my novel from Sarah Dessen and read. I guess it was pretty stereotypical to read a contemporary romance novel in a coffee shop, but I obviously didn't care. Within the first ten chapters, I took a break and ordered more tea. I sat back down and observed my environment.

There was an elderly couple in a corner holding hands and drinking their decaffeinated coffee. Despite age, love was still glowing bright for the two. Wow, those were the true relationship goals. Next, there was a college student in a booth typing up some paper on DNA replication. Geez, talk about the college life. Then, the typical business technologic savvy people gathered in the center of the room. They we're either discussing a business plan or creating some PowerPoint on their tablets. I sipped on my tea and relaxed. It was quite interesting to witness all the various things that went on in a coffee shop. Suddenly, my eyes wander on to the community library. People would frequently donate their used book to the café so others could pick it up to enjoy it during their coffee break. I slowly got up and made my way to the community library with high hopes of finding treasure. I went through the books and all of them were already the ones I've read. As I sigh in defeat, my eye caught a navy book near the bottom of the shelf. I picked it up and held the old vintage book. It had no title and looked more a journal.

My curiosity started to explode and I opened the journal hesitantly. I read the contents.

" There are many things people order from the café. Mostly soy lattes, pumpkin spice, or more closely, caramel lattes. It's peculiar how no one ever gets tea though. If you drink tea, I think you're pretty cool. They say people who drink tea are more active and cheerful. Here's a challenge, write a question for me and leave me back at the shelves. Come by the next time for my response."

I looked in puzzlement. So this journal was written to hold an anonymous conversation, how creepy. The fact that this person mentioned tea and caramel lattes was even creepier. Maybe it was one of the baristas thats pulling a joke. I made my way up to talk to Thad.

" Hey, you guys didn't put this here did you?" I asked holding the journal up.

" Nah, we rarely put any books there. We definietly didin't put that there. Are you looking for something in particular?"

" No, I was just curious. Thanks though!" I replied back.

I went back to my seat with the mysterious journal. I pondered on what to do. Do I write in it or not? And so I did. I opened to the next clean page and took out my Sharpie pen. I started to write.

" Yes, I think people should enjoy tea at a coffee shop. It's cool and pretty legal. So let me get this straight, you, mysterious stranger, want me to write a question? Well then, I have a question. Why did you leave a random navy journey at this café? What is your motive? Oh and why vinage navy? "

I closed the journal and held it across my chest. Well, I actually did it. I went back to the shelves and placed it back where I found it. I took my tea and belongings and headed out to Black Cat. I pondered on when the mysterious writer would return.

I Order Tea In Coffee ShopsWhere stories live. Discover now