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Jiang Suisui couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud, especially publicly. The already gorgeous face is even more bright and moving, making the surrounding scenery pale.

Seeing Jiang Cuicui finally got up from the dung, she waved to her: "I said you should be careful when you walk. You see, did you fall into the dung? Isn't the fragrance smelling?"

Jiang Cuicui almost backed away angrily, Jiang Suisui was absolutely deliberate!

The smell of my body fills the tip of my nose, which is disgusting.

Jiang Cuicui retched a few times, and found that the people working around were looking at her, pointing and pointing. There were even more interesting children who jumped and clapped their hands: "Someone fell into the dung, somebody fell into it. It's in the dung!"

"The king of shit! The king of shit! The king of shit! The king of shit!"

Jiang Cuicui wanted to cry angrily, and threw his teeth and claws to teach the children who were gloating.

The children ran away, shouting: "Everyone, run, the king of shit is here, don't be caught by the king of shit, otherwise you will become the king of shit!"

"Little bastard, besides, I have to take your skins off!" Jiang Cuicui was furious, picking up a few mud lumps on the ground, and going to smash the children.

But the children of this age are very slippery, like a loach, and quickly run away. Where can she hit it?

Jiang Cuicui could only throw the mud tufts on the ground bitterly, smelled the dung smell on his body, retched a few times, and almost vomited out.

When I turned around, I saw Jiang Suisui watching the excitement, and he was so embarrassed to die. The only thing to be thankful for was that apart from Jiang Suisui, Song Shiqing and the group of children, no one else saw her embarrassing.

First she ran to the edge of the pool and washed the dung on her face. But the smell of feces on her body is not so easy to wash off, and the tip of her nose is still full of tangy smell.

She wanted to go to Tan Tianwei to ask her to understand, but she didn't have the time to pay attention to it, and went to the site where the educated youths worked.

"Tan Zhiqing, come here, I have something to do with you." Jiang Cuicui cried.

Tan Tianwei, who was working, hurried over when he heard it. His expression was a little nervous. He looked around and no one was around. Then he lowered his voice and said, "Didn’t I have done things right? Now the Lin family has been with Jiang Suisui. I have retired, what are you still coming to do with me?"

Jiang Cuicui's face was even more ugly: "Do you think I want to come to you? I ask you, have you told Jiang Suisui about those things between us?"

"What's the matter? You asked me to pursue her to ruin her reputation?" Tan Tianwei's face turned green, "I told her what to do? I'm crazy? Jiang Cuicui, don't you want to keep your promise, so Are you arguing with me here? Jiang Cuicui, let me tell you that if you couldn't do what you promised me at the time, don't blame me for telling me all the bad things you did!"

Had it not been for his poor family and he couldn't wait to seize the opportunity to go to the Workers' Peasants and Soldiers University, he would not agree to Jiang Cuicui's doing this kind of thing.

After this happened, Jiang Suisui's two older brothers even came to him to'talk a few times'. If Jiang Cuicui played with him, he would never end with her.

Seeing Tan Tianwei like this, Jiang Cuicui thought that this shouldn't really be what Tan Tianwei told Jiang Suisui. But how did Jiang Suisui know? Knowing so clearly, it's like seeing her doing this...

Her heart was beating.

"Don't worry, I have already told my dad that from today until you go to the Workers' Peasants and Soldiers University for a few months, he will find a way to give you more work points. But you have to work more actively than usual. , Even if you do it, you can't justify it if someone finds out." Jiang Cuicui warned.

"Okay, I get it." With Jiang Cuicui's assurance, Tan Tianwei felt a little relieved.

As soon as a person feels relieved, the tight string becomes looser. Tan Tianwei sniffed, and suddenly smelled a dung smell, as if it came from Jiang Cuicui.

He frowned: "Jiang Cuicui, why is your body so stinky? You fell into a cesspit?"

Jiang Cuicui almost broke his teeth with an aura.


Jiang Suisui had almost watched it lively, only then took his gaze back. The reward given by the system this time was fruit candy wrapped in colorful candy paper.

Peel off the sugar paper, revealing the pearl-like round candy inside, and put one into the mouth, the sweetness permeated the mouth, sweet to the heart.

She turned her head, holding a few candies in her hand, and handed them to Song Shiqing: "Song Zhiqing, would you like to eat candies? It's very sweet."

The girl is smiling, sweet can be boring, and the delicate palms are colorful candies.

Jiang Suisui thought that Song Shiqing had just helped him speak, which meant that they had settled their suspicions. Who knows, Song Shiqing only glanced at her, said coldly "no", and turned to work.

Jiang Suisui curled his lips and ignored Song Shiqing.

She grew up so old that she hadn't been so ruthlessly rejected yet.

After enough rest, Jiang Suisui started to work.

Although Song Shiqing helped her speak in front of Jiang Cuicui, she couldn't take his protection for granted.

Even if it's the first time she does these tasks, it's a big deal to do it slower, in short, as long as she does the work, it is a kind of progress.

Although she is squeamish, she is also spine.

So, following Song Shiqing's appearance, she first digs a hole with a hoe, then planted rape seedlings, and then filled the soil.

By noon, the sky was a little hotter.

Jiang Suisui could only work for a while, and felt that the heat couldn't stand the heat. She loosened the two shirt buttons, revealing the snow-white neck and deep collarbone. After cooling down a little bit, she went on to work again.

Song Shiqing took a look here to see how well she got started.

However, the goal is when Jiang Suisui bends down, the whiteness of her breasts, and the roundness of her chest trembles slightly with her movements, as if to break through the shirt's confinement and get out of it.

Song Shiqing quickly retracted his gaze and turned his face aside, not daring to look again.

On that handsome face, a rare piece of flaming red, like a cooked shrimp, is hot-hot-boiling-hot.

Jiang Suisui was shocked when he saw it, and asked quickly, "Song Zhiqing, what's the matter with you? Why is your face so red? Isn't it a fever?"

If Song Shiqing had a fever, who would cultivate such a large piece of land? She can't do so much work alone.

Song Shiqing: "..."

Of course he knew that he did not have a fever. The reason why his face turned red was entirely because he had just seen a scene that he shouldn't have seen.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Jiang Suisui quickly put down the hoe in his hand, walked to Song Shiqing's side, stood on tiptoe, and stretched out his hand.

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