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It was my third year, and I was enjoying my time at your house table in the great hall while eating dinner. The doors slam open and everybody turned their heads to see Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. 

I immediately straighten up, when my father come over and I got out of my seat not trying to cause a scene. I walked tall, my shoulders back, no expression on my face, and chin tilted up.

As soon as Draco saw me get in my perfect posture, he ran over next to me and got into the exact position I was in. Everybody was staring and wondering, what is happening.

"Draco, Y/n, your filthy squib aunt Noelle has passed away," our father spoke.

My heart broke yet again. My aunt Noelle was a mother figure to me and I adored her. Draco also loved her, but not as much as I did. I just kept a straight face until they left which was when I broke down. Everybody else who hadn't heard what my father said was confused. 

I quickly ran out of the Great hall straight to my bedroom. I fall on my bed and started fully crying. 

A few minutes later, Pansy showed up and hugged me. I suddenly didn't know, what to do...

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