friends n family- HP

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🎶can you dance like a hippogriff nanananananana🎶 oh hey 👋 I didn't see you there. Welcome to EP 5 on Strawberry Shortcake. For this episode I am gonna share to you me,my family, and my friends on my HP (Harry Potter) dr. If you are looking for a MCU related episode this isn't the one for you, thanks❤️

f a m i l y

Jamie Fernandez Black Lupin Evans Weasley
preferred name: Jamie Evans/Black/Lupin/Weasley (later)
age: 15
blood status: muggle born
authencity: English, Cuban
house + year: Gryffindoor, Year 5
movie: Prizoner of Azkaban
looks: Long brown hair,Tan, tall, skinny, 5'9
skills: I am Great at Flying tricks and Flying in general,being sneaky
hobbies: Sitting near the fire in the common room and gossiping, helping hagrid and McGonagal, sneaking around the castle at midnight
relationships: Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley
key points: My hair is never oily or smelly. My face is never oily. I have perfect vision. I smell clean. My nails are never dirty. I have minty breath. If I 💩 fart or burp you can't hear it or smell it. I have a British accent in this Dr bc irl I don't

my foster father
Sirius Black III
preferred name: Sirius Black, Padfoot
age: 35
blood status: pureblood
when he adopted me: On the first day of 6th year (GOF)
house: gryffindoor
movie:goblet of fire
looks: Dark brown hair,Tattoos, Skinny, light skin
what he's like: He let me have his leather jackets and his old leather boots from when he was a child. He loves the fact that I like queen and old music like him. He has a real father figure and is very protective but at the same time isn't really.
love u❤️ R.I.P

my other foster father
Remus John Lupin
preferred name: Remus Lupin, Remus, Monny
blood status: Half-Blood
when he adopted me: Very soon after Sirius died
house: Gryffindoor
movie: Order of the Phoenix
looks: Very tall, light brown hair,Scar on his face, Light skin
what's he like: He also has a great father figure, he is kinda protective but he trust me, every time I go outside to sing he listens from the window, he loves chocolate duh
love you❤️ R.I.P

foster mother
Nymphadora Tonks
preferred name: Tonks
blood status: half-blood
when she adopted: She adopted with Remus since they were dating/married very soon after Sirius died.
house: Hufflepuff
movie: Order of Phoenix
looks: her hair changes colors due to emotion but her hair was primarily a light purple color, she can shape shift into any animal so that's gonna be fun, she has the most beautiful eyes I have ever soon omg,Light skin
what's she like: She is very smart but super duper fun. She is super sweet and funny the beat mother ever
love you❤️ R.I.P

my cousin
Harry James Potter
preferred name: Harry Potter
blood status: half-blood
related from: Lily Evans/Potter
house: gryffindor
looks: short ,dark hair, round silver glasses, Emerald green eyes, a lightning shaped scar on forehead, Light skin
what's he like: He so awkward ugh. He is very brave the bravest boy I've ever seen, When we have those ugly fight Voldemort dreams we either go to dumbledore or we just sit on the common couch in silence and stare at the fire, scared.


c r f r i e n d s

my bestie
Seannah Lee Marrero
preferred name: Seannah, Sisi
blood status: pure-blood
house: gryffindor
looks: tall, light-ish skin, Brunette with long straight hair and slight honey blonde highlights, she then cuts it shoulder length
what's she like: sassy af🙄, she has great comebacks, she is heather like omg


r e l a t i o n s h i p s

1st Boyfriend
Cedric Amos Diggory
preferred name: Cedric, Ced
when we dated:5-6 year (POA-GOF)
looks:Tall,Brown hair,Gray eyes,ONE of the cutest smiles,Light skin
what's he like: I am first priority. He looked after me and loves and cares for me so much. He adore everything I do. His love language is definitely sweet compliments and affirmations. He wants to make sure that I am beautiful and loved for. BITCH THEN WHY TF DID YOU LEAVE ME FOR CHO FUCKING PUMPKIN PASTIES CHANG? sorry
love u❤️may you R.I.P

2nd Boyfriend
Fredrick Gideon Weasley
preferred name: Fred, Freddie (by me, molly, or George)
blood status: pureblood
when we dated:17-20
looks: tall,freckles,ginger hair,sexy mf, hazel eyes, adorable
what's he like: He is hilarious omfg, he makes ruthless pranks but when it comes to moi he is more careful, I usually do pranks with him and George, morning voice is just 😩, loves coffe, He lets me wear his jersey and is wear it with a white shirt and a skirt. He has ✨abs✨period, He asked to marry me a week after we graduated as he promised. We got married 5 months later.
love u with all my heart❤️R.I.P


o t h e r f r i e n d s

Angelina Johnson-
Hermoine Granger-
Ron Weasley -
Ginny Weasley-
George Weasley-
Bill Weasley-
Charlie Weasley-
Lee Jordan-
Dean Thomas-
Seamus Finnigan-
Neville Longbottom-
Pavarti Patil-
Padma Patil-
Hannah Abott-
Luna Lovegood-
Cho Chang-
Rubeus Hagrid-
Albus Dumbledore-
Dobby The Free Elf-
Oliver Wood-
Mad Eye Moody-
Fleur Delacour-

o t h e r f a m i l y

Aunt-Lily Evans/Potter-
Uncle-James Potter-
Aunt-Petunia Evans/Dursley-
Uncle-Vernon Dursley-
Cousin-Dudley Dursley-
Niece-Lily Luna Potter
Nephew-James Sirius Potter-
Nephew-Albus Serverus Potter-
Niece-Rose Granger Weasley-
Nephew-Hugo Granger Weasley-
Brother in Law-George Weasley-
Sister in Law-Seannah Marrero/Weasley -
Sister in Law-Hermione Granger/Weasley-
Sister in Law-Ginny Weasley/Potter-
Brother in Law-Bill Weasley-
Brother in Law-Charlie Weasley-
Brother in Law-Percy Weasley-
Sister in Law-Fleur Delacour /Weasley-
Father in Law-Aurther Weasley-
Mother in Law-Molly Weasley-
Niece-Fred Weasley II-


Hiyo! I hoped you guys liked it once again constructive criticism is accepted. U gotta luv the h8ters😎Anyways I added the details of everyone else in my journal dr. You can do it yourself lazy ass oki. Anyways for Charlie I used Chris Pratt (star lord from GOTG) um so yeah...oki random thought I GOT A HUGE FAM OML, lol anyways thanks u<33

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