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I'm 4 months pregnant  Gael and I are now legally married. I love being his wife. Jamie is trying to move on. We decided to keep the co parent between  my moms and his parents. I was waiting for Gael to come home from  work he a hour late I was getting worried. Mariana comes up. "God Mariana  you scared me." I say to her. "Havent heard  from Gael yet?" She asks. "Nope not yet I'm getting  worried call moms." I say to her Stef is looking for  him everyone in the coterie  knows. "He going to found." Dalia says  hugging me. "He is my husband Dalia." I say to her. I put a hand on my stomach we are going to redo the paternity  test to make sure when the baby is born. Lena phone rang. "You found him?" She asks. "Callie they found Gael car he was involved  in a accident Stef is trying to find what hospital." She says. Jamie came in. "You did  this to him." I say to him. "Callie I didn't I swear. I'm over you I'm seeing someone new." He says. "Gael is hurt." I say in tears I see Aaron he hugs me. "They are finding him." He says. Mike comes in. "Stef found him he at a hospital that is 20 mins from here I'm here to take Callie." He says. "We are all coming  we are his family too." Dalia says they all came with. "I'm Gael Martinez Wife." I say. "Come this  way ma'am." The nurse says I see him he was in a bed hooked up to its. "He going to be fine. Just a few broken bones." She says. He wakes up to see me. "Hey baby." I say to planting a kiss. "They lost my phone and my ID. But I'm okay  Cal." He says placing his good  hand on my stomach. "I was so worried my gut was telling me you my husband was hurt or killed." I say to him. "Kiss me so you can calm down." He says I kissed him deeply. "God I love you." He says. "I love you too Gael." I say to him.
It's been 2 months since his accident I'm 6 months pregnant we are not finding out the sex until its born. Moms are excited it's their first grandchild so is my dad Robert and my sister Sophia. My dad came to coterie today. "Hey hun." He says hugging me. "Hey dad." I say to him. "Your looking  good." He says. "I feel huge." I say to him. Gael comes down. "You look  gorgeous. Hey Robert." He says kissing my cheek. "Well I got a case." I say to him. "I'll see you two later." He says kissing me. "She shouldn't be working." My dad says. "She says she not going to stop til she goes to labor." He says. "Man just like her mom." He says.
I'm 38 weeks pregnant i just barely gave birth to a baby girl. They are seeing if Jamie is the real father. He she Gael color. "Jamie I'm sorry but your not the father Gael is." The doctor  says. "I had a feeling  it was his." He says. "Paternity  tests can be wrong." She says. I kissed my husband it's our daughter now. "What's her name?" Sophia asks. "Payson Rae" I say to her. Gael  and i are a family of three  now

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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