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I finally the guts  to tell my moms and family. They  were all happy my moms are going  to pay for the test. After a week  it came Jamie was here I told him he maybe the father  I asked Mariana to open it. "Its.....Gaels." she says I was so happy and excited.  I kissed Gael in front of jaime. "Oh thank God. " He says I was relived  too.  I love  Gael.  After we found out I texted everyone the good news. Gael looks at me. "Your so beautiful." He says kissing me deeply. "I'm so happy this is your baby  and not Jamie's  Mariana  came in our room. "What's wrong Mariana?" I asked. "The doctor called and said the did the wrong test." She says. "Wait how?" I asked. "I don't know  but it was weird  the baby is actually Jamie's." She says. Gael saw I was upset. "Baby it will be okay I promise." He says in my ear. "No it isnt Jamie  going to be  around. I really wanted it to be yours." I say in tears. "Me to babe. But it's a blood test." He says. "I don't know what to do?" I say to him.  "We will figure it out. I'm not the biggest fan of Jamie. " He says. "Me neither  I moved onto you. I love you not Jamie." I say him.  "I know babe. " he says  kisses my cheeks then my  lips. "Eh hem still here." Mariana says. "Can you tell moms and Jamie?" I asked.  "Of course as long you tell people in here." She says. "Deal." I say.
We found out I'm 12 weeks pregnant. I starting to gain a little  bump. Jamie is cool where we stand we are just having a baby.  Gael proposed to me Last night and I said yes. He loves me no matter what. I went downstairs I see my moms and my siblings and  Jamie. "What's going on?" I asked. "Mariana told us that Gael proposed." Lena says. "Yes he did  I said yes I love him. " I say to them Gael had a work thing. "You know I'm the baby father and not Gael." Jamie says. "I'm well aware of the Jamie we are not together and we will never be again." I say  to him rudely.  "Sorry harmones. Also my mood been out of whack." I say to my moms. "Understandable." Stef says. "Where is Gael?" Brandon  asks. "Work." I say to him we all sat down so did  my friends at the coterie.  Gael comes  in. "What's this about?" He asks. "I know as much as you do." I say he sits by me. Jamie was getting jealous. Good thing  my cop mom is here so is Mike. "Callie I want to get back together. "He says trying to kiss me. "Get the hell away  from  Callie." Gael says mad as hell. "She still loves me she carrying my baby and not yours." He says next thing  we know  a fight broke  apart. "Jamie Gael stop or I'll put you both in handcuffs." Stef says. "Sorry babe." He says. I looked a Jamie I knew what I want. "Your going  to sign  your rights away  and stay at least 500 ft from me or my mom will come after  you and throw  you in jail. I don't need you the baby doesn't  either  Gael is going to be the baby father  I done with you and your lawyer bullshit." I say  to him. Mike walks him out. "I'll make sure he sign his rights away." Mike says I see his sister. "You can see the baby and your  parents  he the only  one who  won't this is only temporary until he gets over me and accepts Gael and our relationship  standpoint." I tell her. "I work on him." She says I hugged her. She and brandon leave. "You did the right thing  hun." Lena says. "It doesn't feel like it." I say. "You had to protect  the baby from a father that won't accept  Gael." Stef says they all left we went to his loft. I smiled at his no shirt. "You okay?" He asks.  "I don't know do you think I did the right thing?" I asked him. "Babe you did the right thing to protect the baby from it real dad." He says kisses me deeply. "I love you. " I say to him. "I love you too baby." He says we snuggled  up together

Callie and Gael good troubleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon