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You've read it. But now you probably think what's worthless brat I am.
That even my mom couldn't stand me anymore.
I understand that you didn't respond,
Who would want to text a boy with so much emotional baggage?
But Harry....why does he hate me so much?
I didn't eat anything today, again. What a surprise.
I just hope it would stop.


*Do you even see that you are gaining weight? I should stop feeding you. All you do is cost money and disgrace this household. You don't even do any chores anymore. Just wait until you're eighteen. Even tho my friend Simon says I could just as well throw you out now.
It's not like I would mind I you got raped.*


He's talking about throwing me out again.
What is ist that he hates about me so much? 
Maybe I'll really try getting in shape a bit more.
I do have a little bit of a tummy.
W-wait, my father's calling. I'll try texting you later again.

read at 20:47

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