Chapter 107

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"I'm surprised you asked Angelina to be one of your bridesmaids Y/n. What if she tries to love potion George or something?" Ginny says as she puts something into the oven. "She wouldn't. She's actually married. Met him when he came home from the store today." You shrug turning away from her. "But what if it's all an act?" Hermione asks. You sigh, turning back to them. "It's fine you two. George would never fall for her again. We aren't kids anymore, I'm sure Angelina knows that too." 

George comes back into the kitchen after getting a rag to dry the dishes. "I don't get why we can't use magic to do all of this." He grunts and starts drying the dishes he washed. "I told you before George. It's more fun without magic!" You laugh. He rolls his eyes and keeps his focus on drying. "Does he still not know?" Ginny whispers. You shake your head. "I don't think he'll mind. Will he?" You whisper back. Both Ginny and Hermione shrug. "What are you three giggling about over there? You can't leave ole Georgie out of secrets." He says coming closer to your three.

You all look at each other giggle. "We all know you are horrible at keeping secrets George." Ginny says patting his arm. George scoffs and crosses his arms. "I am the best at secret keeping!" He exclaims. Ginny shakes her head. "Remember when Charlie told you not to tell mum that he found a dragon by the house somehow and brought it in? And then you were so excited about a dragon you 'accidentally' blurted it out to mum?" She says, laughing as she remembers the memory.

George stays quiet and purses his lips. "That was one time!" He yells. "Remember when Ron told you that he was going to take me somewhere special to ask me to marry him and you told me by 'accident' what he was doing?" Hermione says while air quoting "accident".  George pouts and turns back to his dishes.

Dinner gets done and everyone sits down at the table. "Thank you all for the help. I really appreciate it. And thank you to Y/n and George for cleaning the house while we were all gone. It feels nice not to clean so much around the house." Molly says and kisses your head. You smile at her as she sits down. Everyone starts to put food into their plates before the doors opens. Everyone turns to see Arthur and Draco standing there shivering. "Huge snow storm just came out of nowhere!" Arthur says as he walks into the kitchen confidently.

You get up to check on Draco. "Are you alright Draco?" You ask, grabbing his face. "I-I didn't know it was going to be this bad." He shivers. You take his hands and lead him into the living room. You wrap a few blankets around him before starting the fire with your wand. You move him closer to the fire and wrap your arms around him. "We made some food. Would you like me to get you a plate? It'll warm your insides." You chuckle. He gives your a small smile and nods. You quickly get up and walk back into the kitchen. "I'll come back shortly. I'm going to make a plate for Draco and give it to him." You announce.

You quickly put everything into a plate and walk back to Draco in the living room. "There you go. Now stay by the fire and warm up, alright?" You say to Draco who nods and starts eating. You walk back and sit down next to George. "I'm starving." You mumble to yourself and grab mostly everything. "Are you really going to eat all of that? I've never seen you eat so much Y/n." George says. You put your fork down and glare at him as everyone goes quiet. "George!" Molly yells at him, throwing her napkin at him. "Asshole." You say and stand up. "Y/n, you know I didn't mean it like that!" He yells behind you.

You walk into the living room once again and sit down next to Draco. "Why aren't you in the dining room with everyone?" He asks. You sigh and stay quiet.

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