Chapter 70

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You look back at the girl who he was staring at, realizing it's Pansy. "You like Pansy!" You say. Draco slaps his hand over your mouth and brings his finger up to his mouth. "Shut up! I don't want her to know!" He whispers. You push his hand away and start giggling with George. "PANSY! OVER HERE!" You call her over. Pansy turns to you before waving goodbye to the person she was talking to her. "Need something?" She asks. You look at Draco and smirk. "Draco wanted to talk to you." You smile innocently.

Pansy turns to Draco and smiles. "What is it that you need Draco?" She asks. Draco's cheeks turn a tint of pink. "I-I uh, later we'll talk." He stutters, looking away from Pansy. Pansy gives him a questioning look. "Um okay? I'll see you in your dorm after dinner?" Draco nods and she walks away. You start laughing as Draco sits uncomfortably. "Sexy girl I just fell in love!" George mocks him. "You should try it, it's a hell of a drug!"

You lay the back of your hand on your head leaning onto Draco's shoulder. "Like O-M-G you make me-" "Do not! Finish that sentence Y/n." Draco spits. You sit up and laugh again. "Oh come on Draco. You gotta tell her how you feel before some other bloke gets her!" George says nudging him. Draco rolls his eyes and stands up. "I need to go find Crabbe and Goyle. I'm going to try new hexes on them." He grumbles before walking away. You turn to George who's smiling at you. "What are you smiling about now?" You laugh.

George cusp your face and gives you a soft kiss on your lips. You pull away blushing. "It's cute how I still manage to make you blush." He winks. You playfully push him. "Whatever. I need to work on my homework now George. Final exams are coming up and I need to do good on them." You say grabbing your bag. You stand up with George following. "Well how about we study together?" He wiggles his eyebrows. You shake your head. "Nope, not happening. We both know damn well you're going to distract me from doing anything." You cross your arms.

For a while, you've been mostly up in your dorm studying for the exams. You've only left to go to classes and to eat. You've been trying to maintain your time to be able to study, eat and of course hang out with George.

You've finally been done studying for the day. George told you after you were done studying to come to the Gryffindor common room for something. You tiredly make your way to the Gryffindor common room. Saying the password, the Fat Lady lets you in. As you walk in everyone is quickly walking around putting up decorations. You walk around trying to find George who is currently talking to Fred. "It needs to be higher Freddie. Just a tad bit." He says. Fred nods and walks away. "Is it someone's birthday today?" You ask and poke his shoulder.

George turns around and freezes when he sees you. By now everyone is frozen while staring at you. You look at everyone confused. "What?" You ask. Someone points up towards the wall. You look up seeing a banner saying "Happy Birthday Y/n!" across it. "Oh! It's my birthday!" You laugh casually. "I've must've forgotten. I've been busy studying." You scratch then back of your neck. George smiles and hugs you. "We didn't know when you were coming." He says kissing your cheek. Fred walks over grabbing your hand. "Now, what's not a party without some music!" He flicks his wand and music starts playing.

Everyone in the room starts moving furniture out of the way and dancing along to the music. Fred pulls you into the crowd with George following behind. You dance the night away (oml i'm sorry 😭) with George and Fred. Everyone sings happy birthday to you before you blow out the candles on your cake. "What'd you wish for?" George asks placing his hands on your hips. "If I tell you, it won't come true." You smile.

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