With the swipe of a hand

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The time was 4:26 AM in Tokyo, Denji was laying on his bed wearing his standard dress shirt and black tie and black dress pants along with some sneakers that had thrown off the formal attire look completely. He was on the verge of dozing off into a dream when his phone started to buzz with a random number (666-666-666) and the name Alastor. It had to be a prank hack from someone who was trying to mock him for making it in and out of hell alive. The text read,

        Greetings pitiful soul, you have been selected to venture into hell for ongoing entertainment you can cry all you want to go back but hospitality and empathy is something we demons lack so enjoy your torment.

"Stupid dick heads think I'm gonna sink to there level and reply to give them the satisfaction of a reaction." He soon fell asleep with the hum of his crappy air conditioner unit latched onto his window. 3 hours later he awoke from his sleep but eyes were not fully open but he felt hot and his lungs were tight but most of all a putrid smell of burning flesh tarnished the air burning his nose. He forced his eyes open to see a large pentagram glowing in the sky he slanted his head to the left and looked down a empty street with closed shops baring titles with hell based puns. He got up in a stumbling motion and brushed the flakes of asphalt off his shirt and pants then started to aimlessly walk down the street.

Meanwhile up in the fortress of doom the slayer was making repairs to his Hud after Vega left. He began to feel the floor shake beneath him, he started to grab all his weapons then walk to the main area of the fortress. He grabbed his helmet then got ready to fight as he expected a demon hoard to attack the fortress. Instead of demons coming to him a portal opened beneath his feet and sent him to a plummet thousands of feet in the sky then landed on his feet and looked up the see a glowing pentagram in the sky. He looked forward to see a blonde haired boy in a shirt and tie staring at him. The boy asked "where am I" The Doom slayer and Denji had been to hell but not one like this, there used to more horror and chaos not cities and streets. A radio floated towards the 2 of them and spoke in a static voice "Welcome to hell you litt-" "Wait are you the dip shit who sent me that annoying ass text when I was trying to sleep!?" "Why yes isn't it fairly obvious I meant what I said when I stated you are going to hell!" "This doesn't look like hell it looks like a fucking joke." "Oh you poor little boy you don't have the faintest idea what's coming" Denji put his hands in his pockets and huffed looking not at all like all the other intimidated people witnessing hell. "What say you my big chap?" the slayer only grunted and cocked his shotgun. "Good luck against the first wave all the demons of hell are watching this live broadcast to see you fail, the bets are the blonde runt will die in 3 seconds and the big one will die in 5 minutes. Good luck" The radio disappeared and a low ruble came from all directions around the 2 of them. "What a total fuck wad, hey is this your first time dealing with shit like this?" Doomguy looked down at him and gripped his gun. "I'm guessing not" about 80  demons from all around them came into view. "stay back for a second." The demons were laughing hysterically at the fact that this kid could even fight off one of the execution demons. Denji reached in his shirt and pulled a rip cord that appeared from his chest and the demons began to vomit and watch in horror as a chainsaw burst through his head and shed all the flesh and bone from his head and 2 chainsaws burst out from both of his arms. Without a seconds thought Denji rushed at the demons and started to brutally cut them into pieces. The slayer quickly joined in and began to blow holes into the demons and rip their limbs off with his hands. The demons numbers decreased faster than they can even get a chance to fight. not even 5 minutes later all the demons were laying dead on the ground with their insides strung all over the ground. The chainsaws sunk back into his arms and the head morphed back into regular. "Is that all, I'll have you know my sleep schedule is very messed up and I'm still fighting you sons of bitches" Doomguy loaded his shotgun itching for another round of demon blood. Alastor grabbed his phone "Stolas who did you send here? this is a problem and the fault is on you so use that fancy book of yours and fix this mess before it gets out of hand!!!" Doomguy and Denji walked down the street in search of more demons, more blood to drench their hands. With a swipe of Stola's hand he sent 2 of the most powerful beings that stand against hell, With a swipe of his hand he is responsible for the death of trillions of demons, with the swipe of a hand Stolas accidentally doomed all of hell.

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