Property of Sirius Black

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WARNING: BDSM, sub!Marlene, Dom!Sirius, hard smut, unprotected sex

Sirius' day had started wonderfully. The house elves had made his favourite  breakfast and on his way to his first class of the day and which happened to be DADA he managed to send a perfect jelly legs jinx to an unsuspecting Snape

but now as he watches Remus lean over Marlene to "help her " with her stance he couldn't help but wonder how everything had gone shit so fast.

Marlene was his, everyone knew that well everyone except Marlene but it was only a matter of time before Sirius made his move so what the fuck was Remus playing at?!

Remus placed his hand over Marlene's on her wand and the other on her waist pressing himself to her "you need to  work on your wandwork " he whispered low into her ear "I can help with that"

Sirus stormed across the room and pushed the pair apart
"What the fuck do you think your doing lupin" he snarled placing himself between his Marlene and Remus
"What do u mean Padfoot," Remus replied with an air of fake innocence
"I was just helping marls with her Defensive magic," he continued an unbothered expression on his face.

"Stay in your lane moony," Sirius said in a low voice using his added height to tower over Remus "I always get what I want,"

"What the fuck are you two going on about," Marlene finally burst in.
Sirius had nearly forgotten she was there. No that was a lie Sirius could always feel Marlene's presence drawing him towards her like a magnet.

He turned to her gazing deep into her ocean blue orbs he couldn't take it any longer.

Sirius grabbed Marlene roughly by the wrist and dragged her out of the classroom leaving a furious Remus in his wake

"Sirius"! Marlene cried out "you're hurting me,"
Upon hearing Marlene's soft voice crying out in pain he snapped out of his possessive rage.

"Marly," he whispered "my beautiful marly you don't know what you do to me, I can't control myself when I'm around you,"

This was when Sirius decided he was done waiting for Marlene to come to him. It was time for him to claim what was rightfully his.

"You're mine Marlene," he said, slowly pulling her into an empty classroom and wandlessly locking the door "you've always been,"

He pushed her roughly into the wall and connected his lips to hers, kissing her deeply.

Marlene pov

She moved against him as their bodies pressed together.
Marlene could feel his growing member pressing against her she pushed herself against him revelling in the way he grunted into her mouth "Sirius" she gasped "my Padfoot,"

They broke the kiss staring deeply into each other's orbs. He was silently asking for her consent. She didn't hesitate before nodding a yes.

"You are so beautiful," he said, moving a strand of her hair from her face. Before he could say another word, she lifted herself onto her toes and pulled him down by his tie exploring the depths of his mouth with her tongue.

He hoisted her up by Her thighs and she wrapped her legs around his waist
"Sirius," she moaned breathlessly as he kissed down her neck biting and licking the sensitive skin.

'Who do you belong to," he growled into her ear
"Y-you," she stuttered "only you,"
He walked them backwards across the room lowering her onto a desk
"You need to learn your place baby," he said in a cold distant voice that made heat spread in her core.

"I'll do anything for you," she whimpered
"Say that again," Sirius demanded.
"Anything," she gasped as she felt his hand brush against her heat.

Marlene felt something tight around her throat and she looked down to see a black leather dog collar wrapped securely around her neck.

"Siri," she breathed
"Shh puppy," sirius whispered stroking the skin around the collar

"I've got to make sure everyone knows who you belong to,"

Marlene bit back a moan how was it possible someone could make her feel this good

"Are you ready puppy?" he said pulling down her red lacy underwear.

"God's Pads just fuck me already," she whined pleasure taking over.

He pushed into her all at once leaving her completely breathless and no space to adjust before he started to thrust in and out of her at a punishing pace.

"Merlin Marly you're so tight," Sirius grunted pounding into her.

Marlene lay boneless on the table as the rough pleasure consumed her.

Sirius reached one hand up her skirt and began to stroke her clit in soft slow circles, Kissing up along her neck.

"Merlin look at you," he said "all mine,"
She moaned loudly as the pleasure increased his huge cock thrusting deep inside her

"Sirius SIRIUS," She screamed "I'm so close don't stop, don't fucking stop,"

"Me too marly,"  he growled "You're so good for me, my good girl,"

His rhythm began increase as he got closer to his climax
"Cum for me baby," he demanded 
Her body jolted with the force of her orgasm as Sirius pounded into her chasing into his own.

He finished shortly after her pushing himself deep inside her.

They lay together against the table for a moment lying in the heat of their entertained bodies

"I love you Marlene," he whispered, lips brushing her skin, she sat up in his arms. "I have loved you for as long as I can remember pads,"

Staring deep into her blue orbs he fingered  the collar around her neck before muttering finite incantatum watching as the collar dissolved into a wispy smoke.

"Cool spell," She whispered, "how many girls have you used that on"

"Oh marly," he said gazing at her with such love she couldn't even believe the words she had just uttered.

"It's only ever been you,"

A/N: do you wanna see sub!sirius and Dom!marlene next

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