'Its colddd..You should help me warm up!' 🔀❤️

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First name: Lizzie

Middle name:Hebi

Last name: Anguis

Nickname: Liz, ZZ, Pit cause of her species of Lamia

Age: She holds a birthday about every seven years, so in snake years she's about 3, but in human years she's 22

Species:Lamia, aka snake lady

Ethnicity:Uh...Snake lady??

Homeland or country:A very island off the coast of Australia, she holds the accent slightly the very few times she speaks


Personality:She is

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Personality:She is...I guess the right word is aloof? Or I guess the better word would be oblivious. It's tradition when a Lamia hits 21 they must go out and see the rest of the world, so she has only been gone a few months from her home. She knows very little English, only the basics honestly, and she doesn't really understand human body language or anything of the sort. If someone was making moves on her, she would instinctively blush, but she would have no idea what the hell they were trying to get from her. She doesn't out very much thought to just about anything.

Favorable traits:She's cute! And she really likes cuddled cause of the whole cold blooded things

Unfavorable traits: She can eat normal food, but her usual choice of rations is dead rodents and the like

Distinguishing features:Oh, idk, maybe the big snake tail. Her jaw can also unhinge but she tries to keep that from happening as not to scare off people. Though, while she doesn't know this, she may accidentally unhinge during a kiss. It won't hurt, just a big French kiss, but it may be a bit frightening

Piercings and or tattoos:She does have ear piercings cause of island tradition, but that's it

Scars:It's customary to gain scars down her tail for each 'year' she is alive, so at the moment she has 3

Family: Her people reproduce asexually, as they are all female, but she does have two other lamia she calls mothers and a sister

How they treat a lover: She just loved to cuddle, so she will often do that all the time. She is also just sweet all around, despite her lofty nature

What they want in a lover:She just wants someone who's up for cuddles and someone who won't be afraid of her cause of how she is

What they don't want in a lover:She doesn't wanna someone who wants her just to say they could get with someone so exotic, and she doesn't want someone who doesn't cuddle or is afraid of her

What they don't like about how they treat their lover: She coils during cuddles, so she's always afraid of hurting her lover

Other: She leans towards the ladies, doesn't know why, she just likes titties


T/ons:She doesn't know yet, but she likes having the tip of her tail rubbed, and she likes having her fangs licked during more intimate kisses

T/offs:If you don't give good before and after care, no more snake coochie for you

Kinks:She doesn't know what those are

How they like to be treated in bed:Keep her warm and she'll keep you happy

How they treat their lover in bed: As I said, Keep her warm and she'll keep you happy

Secret kinks only trusted partners will know:Nit exactly a kink or secret, but she really appreciated being warmed up before hand. Which means foreplay is top priority, or you might overheat the gal. That's where the good before care comes in handy

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