A Friend and A Father

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We met Natasha's friend in a field not far from the pub we were at last night, whoever he was, he was good...

"Hey Rick! Is bringing back this hunk of metal what you got me?" Rick walked over to Natasha clearly annoyed but not surprised at her disappointment, or was it sarcasm? She's not good ad hiding her emotions but it's always hard to tell which emotion she's feeling.

"Do we have to do this every time? I bring what you ask for, you complain, I'd have thought you'd change it up every now and then but I guess I should've known better." Yelena was busy opening the storage to the helicopter, not a jet, that Rick had brought and pulled out three white suits for each of us and a candy bar.

"Did you send the earpiece?" Natasha grabbed the suit that Yelena was handing her and draped it over her arms.

"Sure did! It should be in place when you're twenty minutes out or so." Natasha smiled in acknowledgement.

"So you can do something right then!" Rick place his hands over his heart and threw himself back mimicking being shot.

"Your words hurt me Natasha!" The two laughed and were about to keep conversing until Yelena spoke up holding the candy bar.

"Hey Natasha where'd you get this from?" Yelena was unwrapping it and took a bite, simply unfazed by it.

"Yelena you shouldn't put random food in your mouth!" She'd always been a bit reckless and never listened to me, but I got a nice "told you so" moment out of it as she winced from the taste.

"Yeah I stashed that five years ago..." Natasha held back a chuckle at the side of the helicopter as she watched her sister trying to swallow down the five year old candy bar.

"It's dry... it's really dry." Yelena pocketed the rest of the candy bar in her vest, i could only hope she wasn't planning on saving it for later.

"So I know about Natasha and Yelena, but who are you exactly? She won't snitch on me right Natasha?" These two definitely have some kind of history, but I don't want to think too hard about it.

"That's y/n, she's one of Yelena's friends from the Red Room." Rick stood stunned, he must've thought the Red Room had been taken down too, but given his job as a private contractor, he didn't say anything. I gave a wave to acknowledge him since I hadn't said much since we arrived.

"I'm one of those trained killers too just so you know." Rick eyed me and cracked a smile.

"So everyone in your circle is as sarcastic as you Natasha? I'm in for a lifetime of  sarcastic people aren't I..." It was nice to see Natasha drop her guard a little around anyone that wasn't strictly a teammate even if they did somewhat work together.

"You should have enough fuel to get to Russia, but don't push it." The two exchanged a hug as we packed into the helicopter and got changed into our suits. Mine and Yelena's suits were a bit looser than Natasha's since ours had been designed for men and hers must have been the one she wore the last time she used this helicopter.

"So... he was nice." Yelena already started poking at Natasha, she did have a lifetime of teasing to make up for after all, I guess it couldn't hurt to help her out.

"Yeah what's the story with you two? Anything we should know about?" I raised my eyebrows and exchanged a smirk with Yelena until we burst out laughing.

"It's not like that!" Natasha threw her now discarded shirt at us as we tried to dodge it.

"Sure it isn't." Yelena fell back onto the floor still trying to catch a breath from laughing.

The Red Room (Yelena Belova and Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now