"Hope you're still young," Freya starts.

"I know aunt Freya and technically I always will be! I'm immortal! I never truly realized what it meant to become the tribrid, what it meant I had to give up, what I'll never have! This is my chance! I never knew how much I truly wanted a family of my own, a child of my own, until that option was no longer there! I don't believe I can handle adopting and caring for Carson, I KNOW I can do this!" Hope was shouting by now. Kellin, and Freya look at each other before they look towards Alaric, then back towards Hope.

"We'll discus it and before you say anything more we aren't even the ones who have a final say. That is up to his grandparents and the law. So for now how about you go meet him and the twins at the playground. Just know that he has yet to talk since his mother's death." Freya speaks to Hope and as soon as she finishes Hope nods and leaves.

Hope walks slowly gathering her thoughts as she heads towards the playground. As she approaches the playground she sees Lizzie sitting on a bench watching as Josie and Carson sit on the grass together in silence. Hope sits next to Lizzie on the bench quietly at first just watching for a bit before she speaks.

"They been just sitting there in silence this entire time?" Hope questions.

"Yeah he hasn't said a thing, but he likes chocolate chip cookies and grape juice. We grabbed him those on the way here and managed a small smile before he gobbled it down." Lizzie answers Hope with a sad smile. "So what happened to him, he has that same pained look you had for the longest time after your return to the school?"

"His mother died in an accident. He triggered his wolf because of it."

"But he's so young?"

"Yeah its sad, but a curse doesn't care, so at 2 years old he is going through being an orphan on top of being a new wolf with the ability to change whenever."

"He's a crescent like you?"

"Yeah that's how his grandparents found my aunts and in turn the school."

"So he still has family that's good."

"Yeah, but their humans and in their late 80's. They're unable to keep up with him so are looking into an open adoption."

"Are you aunts gonna take him in?"

"They told me they thought about it, but I told them I wanted to adopt him instead." Hope finishes and Lizzie looks at her in silence for a beat before speaking once again.

"What? You're a kid yourself you can't take care of a kid!"

"Lizzie I'm 19 and have been fighting monsters for years, I'm not a kid. Plus I went through the same thing as him, losing my parents, being the cause of that loss, and triggering my wolf. I can help him through it and with my inheritance from my parents and uncle Elijah I have the means to take care of him."

"You're still so young though, don't you wanna just go to school and be able to be a kid for a while?"

"Not really, I've grown up quick and now I'm the tribrid. I know its gonna be a lot, but this is my chance to have a family, a child." Hope looks at Lizzie and Lizzie can see how much Hope wants this, wants Carson , to help him and be there for him.

"You'll be a great mother Hope." Lizzie smiles softly.

"Thank you, but its not a done deal yet. My aunts said they'd talk about it, but ultimately its up to his grandparents and the law on if I can adopt him."

"Well they'd be stupid to not allow it, and I hope you are able to help him whether you adopt him or not."

"Me too, Lizzie, me too." Hope says as she looks towards Josie and Carson who have their backs towards them. After a minute or two of them sitting in silence Hope stands and goes to kneel in front of Josie and Carson.

"Hope, perfect, can I take a little magic?" Josie asks with a slight smile when she sees Hope kneel in front of her.

"Uh sure?" Hope says confused, but it doesn't last long for after Josie starts to siphon from her she turns to Carson slightly.

"Do you wanna see something cool buddy?" Josie asks Carson with a big smile while she continues to siphon Hope for a little bit longer. Once the young boy looks up Josie's smile only brightens. She stops siphoning Hope and puts her hands together while muttering a spell. When her hands open again there is a small wolf made of fire that starts to walk out of her hand and through the air. Hope is amazed herself, but when she looks to the big toothy grin and child like giggle that comes from Carson, all three girls that are outside find themselves way beyond amazed. Hope's heart melts as she watches to young boy watch the tiny wolf prance around through the air. Lizzie comes and joins them on the ground. Josie siphons Hope a little more and creates another slightly larger wolf that starts to play with the previous wolf. They all stay there with smiles as they watch the wolves and Carson continues to laugh and warm each of the girls' hearts. Freya, Kellin, and Alaric show up just out of hearing range of Hope around a half hour later and with just a single look at each other they know that their decision to talk to Carson's grandparents about Hope adopting him was the correct thing to do. With in the week Hope and Carson go with Freya and Kellin to see Carson's grandparents. Together they decide to go through with starting the adoption process with Hope becoming Carson's legal guardian. Once back in Mystic Falls Hope sets to work making sure everything is in order for getting Carson's adoption approved while also making it so he is comfortable and happy. He still has yet to talk, but now laughs, at least when Josie and Hope do magic for him, and has started communicating through hand movements, pointing and head shakes. By the time summer is just a month in Hope has fixed up the Mikaelson mansion with some help of magic and added a special touch to the room across from her's which will be Carson's. She painted a mural of a forest on one wall and might have gone a little overboard with making a room into an indoor playground. During the time she fixed up the mansion Hope had also went through with getting a car, a cherry red Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat, she couldn't resist. Hope had also gotten Carson set up with Elena Salvatore as his doctor and he started to see Emma as a therapist to help cope with his mother's death and his newly activated wolf side. Everything is in order and a mere week before school starts Hope is in court with Carson signing the paperwork to legally adopt him.

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