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"Hey, Roddy. Wake up."
Still nothing.
"Little master."
"Specs. Roddy. Roderich. Priss. Little mas--"
"What." Came a moody, snappy reply.
"Are you asleep?"
"Not anymore. Clearly."
"Good. Get up. I have something to show you." Gilbert hummed to the other, a smirk plastered across his features. "Also, you sleep like a rock. I hope you know that."
The other stirred, fixing an amethyst gaze on Gilbert. "I have to, considering you wake me up at 4 a.m. every other night." Despite his mouthiness, he slowly managed to sit up, looking half asleep. "For the stupidest reasons too..." He leaned on the other, blinking slowly. "What do you want to show me?"
Gilbert smiled softly at Roderich's sleepiness, placing a soft kiss to his head. "It's a surprise. You'll love it. I promise." He paused, "Hey, they aren't always stupid. That cat video was hilarious."
"To 12 year olds maybe....." He drawled, but quickly changed topics. "Anyway, you couldn't have waited until morning?"
Gilbert snorted. "Of course not. It won't be there in the morning. Tonight only." As happy as he was to just sit there and let Roderich rest against him, he really wanted to show his lover the surprise. "We'll have to go out to the garden though."
"But it's freezing out! You expect me to go outside right now?"
"Yes princess, outside. Right now. Don't worry, I'll keep you warm." He nuzzled the other for a moment, but managed to pry himself away from Roderich and stand next to their bed. Extending a hand, he cooed, "Come now. It won't be long. And then we can come back and cuddle for the rest of the night, okay?"
Roderich seemed content at this thought, and gently took Gilbert's hand, allowing himself to be pulled up. "Alright, fine. This better be the most mind blowing thing..."
"It is, trust me. It'll be great!" Gilbert kissed Roderich's hand, earning a blush from the brunette. "Cute." He muttered, lacing their fingers and practically dragging Roderich down the hall and down the stairs. He reached the big glass doors that lead outside, and switched the lock. Pushing it open, he felt the biting cold air nip his face, but braved it anyway. "Okay Roderich, close your eyes and don't look until we are outside, okay?" He was practically bouncing up and down with excitement.
"But wh--"
"Don't argue please. Just do it, for me. Trust me."
"...Oh alright." He closed his eyes, allowing himself to be pulled along. He felt the cold wind whipping at his face, and suppressed a shiver. The grass felt hard against his bare feet. But he didn't complain. Whatever this was seemed to get Gilbert all kinds of excited. He resembled a child. It was endearing really. So Roderich played along. He was stopped suddenly, and expected to be told to open his eyes. Instead, his ears were met with the sound of Gilberts distressed voice.
"W-wha? No! This isn't--no..."
He sounded so heartbroken, so Roderich quickly opened his eyes to see Gilbert looking at the sky. A dark, sky. The stars and moon were hidden beneath a thick layer of clouds. And Gilbert sighed sadly.
"Gilbert....? What's wrong...?" He asked cautiously, not fully understanding.
Gilbert looked at him, and frowned. "Well...I woke you up and brought you out here to see all these falling stars....someone told me about a meteor shower....but...we can't even see it. I thought you'd love it. You always say you like looking at the stars. And I promised I'd do it with you sometime. I'm sorry Roderich..."
Roderich opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He was speechless. Gilbert had gone through a lot of trouble to stargaze with him, and it didn't turn out. He was touched, Gilbert went all out for this, even if it did turn into a bust. "Oh...oh Gilbert..." He spoke softly, fixing the other with a warm gaze. "You are such a goof."
Gilbert looked confused, and questioned, "What? What do you--"
He was interrupted by Roderich pulling him into a sweet kiss. It was short, but held every emotion Roderich felt. When he pulled away, he left Gilbert very stunned.
Roderich simply smiled and wrapped his arms around the other. "I love you, you sweet dork."
"B-But! But it didn't even go as planned! You didn't even see the stars!"
"Gilbert, I always see stars when I'm with you. You are my stars. You are my light as well." He smiled and ran a hand through Gilbert's hair. "Mein Sternenlicht."
A grin split across the albino's face and he picked Roderich up in a bear hug, spinning him around. "You are absolutely adorable!"
Roderich laughed and held onto him. "Gilbert! You fool, put me down!"
He complied, but held onto him still. He had a loving glitter in his ruby eyes and he leaned down to kiss the other once again.
Roderich returned the kiss with a smile, muttering "Mein Sternenlicht...." Once more.
And as they were caught up in each other, they didn't notice the clouds slowly disappearing, or the twinkling and glow of the falling stars around them.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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