Turning the video off, I looked at Greg who visibly had steam coming from his ears.

"Oh, but I thought that I was old, washed up, and didn't have anyone to go to? Don't ever fucking estimate me. I will make you eat your words every time. As I previously stated you must forgot that I had men coming in and out before I met you. What did Beyoncé say? I could have another you in a minute. You're easily replaceable." I said, fluffing my hair.

"You're sleeping with a child? You're that gahdamn desperate?"

"Would you look at the pot trying to call the kettle black? You're just mad because you're a fuckboy with a bitch that you thought looked better than me when the truth is that she doesn't even compare or come close to the beauty that I bring. You played yourself Gregory Cole. And you know what I'll be glad to go to court so I can tell the judge that I want that divorce that you don't want to give me which they will gladly grant me once I tell them what a disgusting, abusive, manipulative, controlling, slimy, and grimy little fraction of a man you are. I'm done here. Have a great day. Better yet go drown in a river. Game over bitch."

Flipping my hair, I made my way out of the coffee shop and back to my car. I sat at the wheel and smiled widely as I let it marinate how good it felt to tell him off.

I drove off and headed to the restaurant to meet my sisters. I was so grateful for Smoke. He'd given me something that I wouldn't have thought of myself. The proof that I needed to shut Greg up for once and for all and to finally put him in his place. I'd gladly go to court so that I could get what he refused to give me. A divorce for once and for all.

As I made it to the restaurant, I parked my car then got out and headed inside. I went in and saw Karen and Jacky sitting at a table.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up

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"Well, look who finally decided to show up." Jacky said.

"Oh, hush. I had some business to tend to. I'm finally here now though. So, what did I miss?"

"Well, Karen here was just telling me that she and Dave are going strong. She said he went to a party tonight with Smoke and some other friends and I was trying to keep her from not texting him every second of the moment." Jacky said.

Karen side eyed her making me chuckle.

"You're concerned about your man and that's okay. You be that way loud and proud. We not going to stop you." I said.

"Is it my fault that I'm the only one here with a man?" Karen asked.

Tilting her head, Jacky looked at me.

"Uh, Karen. I wouldn't be so quick to throw that out there like that just yet. Have you not seen the way Doe is glowing? Something is going on with that. Someone is hitting it and someone hitting it good too have her glowing brighter than the moon."

I fanned her off as I looked away making Karen squint at me.

"You know what.... Jacky is right. What's going on with you? You haven't been coming around lately and you've been quiet which is unusual especially for you Chatty Kathy. Who you been seeing?"

"Y'all are funny. Why would you think I'm seeing someone? I can't just be happy?" I asked.

"There's a difference between being happy and having a good dick glow. Just ask Karen she gets it all the time." Jacky said.

I chuckled at her words.

"Once again she's right. Tell us the truth Doe." Karen said.

"Look, all I'm going to say is that Greg and I aren't together anymore. He's taking me to court to attempt to get his last name back which he won't be getting, but what he will be getting is a divorce in return. So, that in itself has me happy. I'm excited not to have to be held down by her narcissistic bullshit ways anymore. So, I'm happy."

"Mmm.... so no one ain't been digging for diamonds in yo ditch?" Jacky asked.

I laughed loudly at her comment.

It's more like he's digging for cavities the way that he be drilling.

"Nope, uh uh...." I said.

"Okay, we don't believe you but we'll let it go for now. Only because we need to discuss the fact that Greg's dumbass is trying to take you to court. What the hell is wrong with him?" Karen asked.

"Honestly? I don't even care anymore. He revealed to me that he's been dating Savannah."

Jacky and Karen both gasped at the same time as Karen put her hands over her mouth.

"Savvy? Wow..... she didn't seem like the type to ever betray you like that."

"I know. Especially considering how close we were. She was literally like a daughter to me. Nikki and her were best friends, but then one day she just stopped coming around and they stopped communicating. I should have put the pieces of the puzzle together. I should have saw the signs." I said.

"No, what you're not going to do is blame yourself for Greg's cheating ass ways. He's a dog, PERIODT. There's no excuse. He put his hands on you that's strike number one. He's cheating on you and treating you like trash. That's strike two. Strike three we're killing his ass and disposing of his body in a river, because what he's not going to do is continue to run all over you like you not that bitch that will ruin and completely destroy his entire fucking life." Jacky said.

Seeing Karen stare at me for a moment, she went quiet as she stared a hole through me.

"Why are you looking at me like that Kare Bear?"

"Cause why aren't you more angry and upset? You put bleach in Drew's coffee and beat his ass with a golfclub for putting his hands on me and cheating, yet.... you seem to be letting Greg get the best of you. What is that? That's not like you."

"I don't know Kare. I just feel a little burnt out from fighting so much. Does that mean I'm done fighting and I'm just going to allow him to walk all over me? No. Trust me my anger is on the inside festering and building slowly. I'd hate for Greg to hit that boiling point because what's going to come out of that won't be pretty not for anyone." I admitted.

"If you kill him just please don't get caught. I don't need you in jail cause someone will definitely try to make you their bitch with as pretty as you are." Jacky said.

"Girl, please. I wish a bitch would. That will be the last day she ever even attempt to step to me. She'll learn her lesson that day." I said, brushing my hair.

"You know Dorinda may be small but she can hold her own. I'm not worried about her. Not in the least bit."

I chuckled at Karen's comment because she was right.

"Alright, well enough about all this fighting let's eat because a bitch is hungry." Jacky said.

Karen and I laughed as a waiter finally came and we ordered our food. Being with my sisters was always one of my best highlights. They were literally the best. I didn't want to tell them about Maurice though. Not until I was ready.

He and I had to figure out what we were doing first.

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