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Grunt no. R-33 is what her name was. Grunts and Agents aren't allowed to have normal names so they are assigned code names.

Grunts weren't allowed to even have a single hair on their head. So they all looked bald and same. Nothing was their to differentiate and tell if they were a boy or a girl or others. A tag always on their chest with their code names. That's their only identity that mattered.

R-33 hated these rules, but she had to deal with it because in this situation of an apocalypse in Nevada, she had nowhere to go, no supplies nor guns to protect herself. These are the things that the Agency was willing to provide if people were willing to cooperate and become agents themselves.

R-33 was now a trainee with other newly joined grunts. They were all undergoing severe training and exercises to become an Agent. The good ones got to have black glasses and a suit but the best ones got the red glasses with the suit. It looked cool, she wouldn't lie but she didn't like trainings. She was only here for her own protection.

R-33 yawned as the instructor explained what they would be doing today. She felt her little side walking up inside her which she tried to ignore.

Yea... R-33 had a secret. She was a little sometimes. She couldn't tell anyone her secret because they will kick her out or feed her to zombies if they found out. They would throw her out thinking she was useless to the Agency, a mere weakness which the Agency never allowed.

R-33 shook her thoughts away as she tried to concentrate. She started to copy whatever others were doing since she had no idea what was going on. The instructor saw that and thought she was clumsy and weak so he called her out and made her do push-ups as a punishment. This was a regular thing for her. She got used to it. The other grunts used to talk behind her back and made fun of her for that. They called her a loser, dork and other things. They even taunted her by say, "Is the little baby gonna cry?".

She knew they didn't know about her condition but she still felt nervous in case they found out.

After the training she went back to her little room. It wasn't much just a bed and a side table. She then flopped on her bed all exhausted and gave in a heavy breath of sigh.

After a few minutes she took out her little cardboard box from under the bed. It had few toys and her bag in it with all her needed supplies.

She took out her favorite toy which was a pink Teddybear named Bob. She doesn't know why she named it that but it was cute and funny. She then took out her packet of diapers and wore one just in case. She then rummaged around in her backpack and took out her blue pacifier. She only used it moderately to make it from wearing out since it was her only pacifier.

She instantly put it in her mouth and started to play with Bob. She always enjoyed this moment of her life after all the stress and things she had to go through.

She then felt her little side take full on control. Using the baby talk giggling to herself as she talked to Bob and told her stories of her happy little childhood.

Whenever she got to the sad part, she would hug Bob tightly to her chest and close her eyes to get rid of her thoughts. It always felt lonely so she cried it out most of the time. Bob would always seem wet with tears whenever she woke up from her little state.

She had a condition where when she turned into a little she didn't know what happened that day. She didn't regress always. It is only a weekly thing for her. She sometimes regressed a bit early if it was too much stressful for her. But it was hard to keep track of herself. So she kept a diary and wrote some rules for her little self, she doesn't know if she read it or not but nothing seemed out of place at all.

The little liked the diary alot. She sometimes wrote in it for her to know what she felt like and she often drew doodles and little drawings to keep herself busy.

Today was the same. After playing with Bob for a bit the little opened the diary and started to draw little birds and animals, some flowers. She didn't have colors so she usually inked it all in.

R-33 always had a hard time asking for extra pens from her higher ups, so she sometimes even stole it without letting them know. All that training came in handy for her. There was a rule set to not use much ink but the little one didn't care. She just loved to draw.

Next day when R-33 woke up she saw all the mess around her bed. She groaned and cleaned it up since she knew her little side had fun playing around. She the felt wet under her and she knew she had to change her diaper. She then wore her regular training clothes.

She didn't complain about the mess that came after her little one. At least she was happy. It always made her smile. Just another reason to live for.


Madness Combat x *Little*OCWhere stories live. Discover now