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"EMILIA PARTRIDGE!" Y/N called as Millie left the car. She waved a small goodbye and winked, "Break a leg with the audition! Make them speechless!"

"Will do, Your Highness!" The girl replied jokingly with a slight roll of the eyes.

"Okay, enough with the theatrics. Good luck, Millie!" Louis rolled the window up as YN turned to him with a look of disbelief.

"What the hell was that?" She scoffed.

"A pack load of bullshit, Cabrera."

"Saying 'good luck' to your sister is bullshit?"

"No," he answered with a sigh and rolled up his sleeve as he took a hold of the steering wheel.

"What's the problem?" Y/N questioned.

"I'll explain later."


AH, DISMISSAL. The most anticipated period of every students. For everyone, it was the time to go home, but for some, it was the time for opportunities. Like the audition, for example.

Millie gripped the provided sides for the audition and continued to recite her lines quietly despite the fact that she was already prepared and have waited for a long time.

The girl fiddled her fingers and settled on a seat not too far away from the stage. There she waited for the start.

A few minutes later, a tall boy stood and clapped his hands two times from the front of the stage on the very first row of the seats. His jet black hair was tied in a bun and his dark beige lips were pressed tightly.

"All right, everyone! Welcome to the audition for Diane Cholesbury's The Carte Blanche!"

Everyone clapped and minute by minute, students willing to be handed a role came performing their best on-stage.

Except, there were a few that needed a little more practice.


"Lendeth me thy hand and i shalt! - nev'r alloweth! - wend!" A guy auditioning for Mister Jacques yelled.

"Okay. Fernando, is it?" The tall boy from before who has to be the director of the play asked.

Fernando nodded with a smile.

"Could you maybe try that again but without yelling and emphasising every single word? Your expressions are okay but the way you speak . . . I'm not entirely sure."


"But, loveth doest require one to beest did free if 't be true t's not what's writ in the stars. If 't be true thee very much art dauntless yourself," a girl auditioning as Miss Bellamy said with a smile.

ASTEROID TEARS || L. PARTRIDGE [2]Where stories live. Discover now