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The next day Hayley met with the poques, something about JJ and John B seeing the same guys who tried to murder them yesterday.

"And we were right outside like this," JJ says mimicking how they were standing, against the wall ducking under the window. "And all we hear is just, "bam! Bam! Bam!" He looks at Hayley, excitement clear in voice. "Knocking paint off the wall. G! From the inside! Alright? And I'm just looking at him like-" he stops himself, walking towards the group and starts to move his hand through his hair, something Hayley desperately wanted to do.

"Wait, first off, look at this shit," he says and white stuff comes out of his hair. "The house," he says and continues. "That's dandruff, disgusting," Kie comments and Hayley looks at John B, they must not be lying if he's so excited about it, and that is what worries her.

"Okay. Thank you," Pope says and JJ finally stops. "Look at all that, man, that's paint. At that point I was just.. like... I'm waiting for death," Hayley stands up and walks towards him, hugging him awkwardly. Everyone just looks at them feeling the same awkwardness, yet no one comments on that.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, referring to last night and what he's been through this morning. He rubs her back and nods at Pope, who was going to say something.

"Oh, okay, so you saw the guys that shot us right?" He asks and JJ nods. "Right," he confirms and Pope continues. "Did you get a good description of them? What did they look like?" He asks, and JJ shrugs, while Hayley stops hugging him and sits down.

"Anything can help," she comments, and Kie nods in agreement. "Anythig we can bring to like a police report?" Pope says and Kie agrees with him, hoping that maybe if the police can get them that could mean they can still have a nice summer.

"Burly," JJ says and Hayley frowns. "Burly?" Pope repeats, not satisfied at all. "That's not helpful at all," Kie says and Hayley sighs. "Okay well, no, like the type of guy at my dad's garage, I mean you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers,"

They all agree again, and JJ is happy that they believe him, even though it isn't a good fact you share a lot. "I can tell you with full confidence, guys, these boys, these killers," he stops and leans against the wall, taking out a cigarette. "JJ," Hayley whispers, hating he's fucking up his lungs like this.

He ignores it and inhales, exhaling immediately before speaking. "They're square groupers," he says and Hayley frowns, unfamiliar with the term. "They're square groupers, like narco square grouper? Like Pablo Escobar Square grouper?" Pope asks, making sure they're talking about the same sqaure grouper.

"Is that mafia?" Hayley asks and Kie let's out a laugh, amused in this shitty situation. "They're drug dealers, preferably by beaches," she quickly explains and Hayley makes an 'o' vorm of her mouth, even in that moment JJ's mind wondered to all the things he could do with that pretty mouth, all the things she could do.

"Yeah man," JJ says and Hayley sighs. "You guys not everything is Kingpin movie," Kie says and Hayley bites her lip. "Okay so how do these sqaure groupers look like? Specifically?" Pope demands. "John B?" Hayley asks, noticing he hasn't said a thing since he came back.

"You weren't there bro!" JJ says, getting pissed off. "'Cause apparently you don't know what to look for!" Pope says raising his voice like JJ did. "Dude! I wasn't taking little mental Polaroids the entire time. Man I was under duress, okay?" His voice became higher and you can see it stresses him out, but Hayley had no idea what to do.

"But I can tell you- I can tell you by the way Ms. Lanarkshire was screaming... that these guys are serious, serious hombres man," JJ explains, pausing a little so every one can let the new information sink in, letting them know that this isn't some amateur playing aren't. No, these were serious, serious hombres as JJ had put it.

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