Letter 1

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This is a collection of love letters from WWII. I got the idea for this and had to post. I hope you enjoy!


June 18th,1941

Dear Suzy,

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I've last seen you. I can still remember that night we first met two weeks ago like it was yesterday. I remember I was going to get a physical done, and you were helping to test the soldiers. When I first saw you, I couldn't stop staring. You looked so beautiful. I couldn't stop staring at your excited blue eyes and your beautiful curled blond hair. Don't laugh Suzy, but I thought I was seeing an angel. When it was finally my turn, I tried to impress you. I wanted you to like me, but you stayed very professional. At least you passed me, right? I kept asking you if you wanted to go out with me for the rest of the day, but you kept saying no. Well, you've told me you like to play hard to get. But your reluctance just made me want to go out with you more. Finally, after three days of constant persistence, you gave in. I know you probably just said yes to keep my quiet, but I was still glad all the same you said yes. And Suzy, I know you probably won't believe me when I say this, but when you finally accepted, I was the happiest man alive. My heart burst with joy and it took all the self control I had not to pick you up in my arms and kiss you right there. But I didn't want to push my luck, so instead we shook hands. Now that I'm thinking back, the hand shaking seems silly. Why were we being so formal anyways, Suzy? We were going on a date! Anyways, that night I was so nervous. My roommates and colleagues kept joking around with me saying I was going to wear out, I was pacing so much. When we met up for dinner that night and I saw you again, I knew at that instant that you were the one. You looked so gorgeous in your dark blue dress. Your hair was curled and I couldn't help myself from staring at your lips. And I know you told me later that you were nervous, Suzy, but I can assure you that I was more nervous. Heck, I could barely talk. When we first ate, we hardly talked, but I thought the silence was comfortable silence, not the awkward, uncomfortable silence. I hope you thought so too. But I thought the best part about that night was the dancing. When we started dancing, everything fell into place. The slow dances were my favorite part. You put your head on my shoulder and I put my chin on your head. We stayed in this embrace for the rest of the night. My heart was beating so loud. Did you hear it Suzy? I sure hope not, that would have been embarrassing! And then it was late and I had to take you home. I didn't want the night to end Suzy. If I could, I would relive that night for the rest of my life. When I had got you home, I wanted to kiss you so badly but I was afraid you would think I was being too forward. I mean, after all, it was only our first date. But when you leaned up towards me, I knew you wouldn't mind. Our first kiss was perfect. For the past two weeks, I've been reliving it in my mind. It makes me miss you a little less when I can again imagine your lips on mine. But I wish I wouldn't have gotten shipped off, even if it is to Pearl Harbor. But I know it's my duty as an active American soldier, so I knew I had to go.  I hope that your request to be sent to Pearl Harbor was accepted and you can soon join me here. I miss not seeing your beautiful face every day. You light up my world and my heart. Please take care of my heart, which is now yours. I love you and can't wait to see you again.

                                                                          Forever Yours,


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