Chapter Sixty Three

Start from the beginning

"Can I have my phone now?" 

"Yeah I suppose, god you see your best mate once in a blue moon and he's still glued to his girlfriend." Lauren tutted, but she was smiling. I knew how happy it made her to see me like this with someone. 

I had two messages from Perrie, one from quite a bit before the performance, but I had been setting up, and one from afterwards.

Perrie: Play that funky music DJ Cubby! (It's SO your name now) since I know you hate me saying it! Wish I was there... Only just leaving rehearsals. Love you loads babe xxxxxx

Perrie: How did it go? Not going to sleep until you ring me. Can't wait to hear how amazing it went... but social media tells me you were pretty rocking babe! xxx

Rather than go on social media, I rang Perrie, biting my lip in anticipation. 

"Jakers, do you mind if I have a smoke?" Lauren asked. 

"No, go ahead." 

"Want one?" 

"No, I'm good." 

Perrie answered on the third ring. "Babe? Can you hear me okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm outside." 

Perrie squealed so loudly, Lauren turned around, raising her eyebrows in amusement. "Babe! You were amazing! I mean I know I wasn't there but people were posting about you and I wanted to run there, it sounded so good! Did you enjoy it?!" 

"I loved it! Seemed to go down quite well." I laughed. "What did you find on social media, how?" 

"I just typed in the name of the club on Instagram as a hashtag and people were saying they were there and how much they were loving youo! Plenty of them seem to think the main guy's got a tough act to follow!" 


"Really! Do you not hear yourself? Do you not watch how crazy they're all going  when you're playing?" 

"Not really, I'm just in the zone so..." 

"I can't wait to watch you when you're on tour with us." Perrie said excitedly. "I just can't wait, I know I've seen you a couple of times but it's gonna be so special babe." 

"I know, I can't wait either! We'll be on the stage together. Only briefly I know but... god, that's so mental." 

"Excuse me, are you Jakob?" 

I turned around and saw that night's DJ, the main act approaching me. "Babe, I'll ring you back, promise." I said, and I felt terrible but I hung up and smiled at him. "Hey, yeah I am, how are you?" 

"Hey Jakob, I'm Gabe. I'm good mate, I was watching you. You're awesome. Seriously awesome." 

"I couldn't stop smiling. "Really? Thank you-"

"I'm usually pretty boring when I go out, my mates always have a go at me because I don't dance. There's gonna be some seriously embarrassing pictures of me after tonight cos I went bonkers, mate you were sick." 

"I'll take that as a compliment" I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." 

"I really did, a hell of a lot more than usual." 

"Wow, thank you. I can't wait to see you tonight, I've been following you for a while." 


"Yeah, absolutely. Are you closer to getting signed?" 

"Yeah, got quite a few things in the pipeline now, doing okay but I've got to go for the right one, you know?" 

Nothing Else Matters - Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now