Chapter 5: I...?

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3rd person Pov:


"The reward I want... is your family. Your family is most important to you. So I want your family."

"Does that mean you want to kill and eat my family?" A certain tangerine-haired girl says with a serious look on her face. Though she might not show it, she's worried and terrified from the inside.

"No." The (insert demon name) says making her eyes go wide.

"I can't kill you or your family. I don't intend to. Don't worry. All of the children can live and go to the human world."

"... Then..."


Mr. Alex has always been a very kind, caring, and level-headed man who is always ready to lend struggling people a hand. This is the reason he took in Emma and tend to her.

As he is wondering about the mysterious girl who is currently in his house, he enters the said girl's room and is pleasantly surprised to see her awake. Though the surprise doesn't last long as he takes notice of disheveled and shook form. It looked like she was in deep thought, which he has to break since he has all kinds of questions flowing through his brain at the moment.

"Oh! Looks like you're awake! Now listen up kid, I've got some questions. Could you answer them for me?" he says, breaking her out of whatever daze she was in.

When Emma turns her head towards the old man she takes in his appearance. He's an elderly man with tall and full-bodied stature. He has ear length, thin, light-colored hair with slight waves, a thick beard and mustache, and a pair of tired but calm light color eyes along with thick eyebrows. He was wearing a warm-looking coat that made him look like Santa clause.

Emma, realizing she was staring, promptly answered his question.

"Y-yeah. Sure," she answers, wincing at the sound of her scratchy voice.

"Where'd you come from and why exactly were you out there?" Mr. Alex asks, getting straight to the point.

"I-i... don't know... Why was I here... What was I... From where... anything... nothing" She reluctantly answers, trying to remember.

"What's your name child?"

"I don't know."

"Your parents?"


"What were you doing out there, without a mask and wearing such light clothing?"



"Your past memories and future connections and everything. I'll take your family from you and your world. That's the reward. I'll grant your wish. But in return... You'll never see your family again."

The tangerine head's eyes go wide. After a moment of thinking, she looks upwards with a sad smile on her face. 

"Okay... anything for my family."

"Very well then..."


"I'm sorry... I don't remember anything..."

"It's okay. No need to apologize."

Emma tried to sort her mind by digging but nothing showed up. Absolutely nothing. She sighs in utter defeat.

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