Chapter 2. Cindy's POV.

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I have no pulse, but I'm alive. Most people would ask how is that possible. The thing is its not possible.

Atleast not for human. I come from a planet far off that no one has ever heard of. Its so secret I can't even tell you the name of it. You might be asking yourself how did I come from a different planet? Well let me just answer that for you. I'm a Alien.

But not just any Alien. I come a new breed of Aliens no ones ever heard of. We call ourselves the Six. We call ourselves that because each new Six that's born has one special power. But only one. Fire, Ice, Levitation, Teleportation, Invisibility, and the most deadly Electricity.

I came to earth for one reason. I'm trying to hide from my own kind. They want to capture me and put me in their jail. I didn't know the reason at first but now I do. They want me because I was born with all six powers.

They tried to kill me many times and almost did on a few occasions. Being on the run with no job and no friends of family is so boring. But when I moved to Brooklyn I met the nicest family.

They know I'm a Alien but they took me in anyway. I go by the name Cindy. I haven't used my real name in three years. I went to this collage campus in down town Brooklyn and on my way in I bumped into a guy running at full speed. When I look up at him he was the cutest boy I had ever seen.

He had beautiful brown eyes, short brown hair, he wore jeans sneakers and a t shirt, he wasn't tall, he looked around five four. But I didn't care. To me he was beautiful.

He noticed me staring and helped me up, he had said sorry and told me his name was Brad.

I had told him my name and we basically hit it off. A week later we were a couple. I fell in love with a average human. My kind would hate me for this. But at the time I didn't care.

I was happy I had a nice life, till they found me. One guy aimed a gun at me and shot. It hit me in the gut. But bullets don't affect my kind even if it hits us in the head. It will still hurt us but that's about now.

So now that your caught up on my back ground let's get back to the story shall we.

I could feel the ran falling down on us as my boyfriend held my limp body. He was sobbing.

I wanted to tell him I was ok, that I was alive but my body was healing itself, and when that happens I can't move till its over.

Then I heard screaming as they pulled Brad away from me. I wanted to scream for them to leave him alone but I still couldn't move.

Then I felt hands grab my arms and legs and lift me off the ground. They start walking away with me. Brad's wails of sadness filled the night sky. It was horrible.

"Don't worry Cindy. We'll get the bullet out. Then you can heal fully."says a girl voice. It sounded like my step cousin Emma.

I heard them walk down the hall towards the nurses office. I feel terrible for not telling Brad I was a Alien. But if I had it could have put him at risk. And I would never want to bring harm to him.

But now I wish I had told him. I couldn't stand his sobs. Every sob broke my heart. I just wanted to hug and comfort him and tell him that I love him.

His sobs start to fade till I can't hear them anymore. Then a door opens when we stop and they bring me in and set me on a bed. As they get things ready a small mask goes over my mouth and nose and I start to feel sleepy."Don't worry youl be fine. This is sleeping gas. You won't feel a thing."says my cousin Emma.

My eyes finally close. No I have to talk to Brad. But its to late. Before I can even think of that thought I flood into darkness.

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